The list on this page you're on right now is really easy and meeting those criteria will make for a good life.  If you want to go for the highest, greatest life that is realistically very attainable in a "balanced, fulfilling life",
follow this questionnaire:     

Test For Doing What Leads To A Really Great Life - Very Doable And A Great Payoff - This person truly lives the 80/20 life, with lots of time and lots of great results for all of life. 

Of course, that means in the area wherein you fall short that you haven't learned those final things that will have a huge payoff in your life.   You'd choose to target your learning toward that area until you can check it off as 80+% achieved. 

You would use the Learning, Implementation Programs And Plans page - and link into what is next for you.  But you need to set up a priority plan in writing on what you will do and then set a time each day to learn that.

You could select an individual area or improving life overall, starting with the facilitators for a good life in The Quickest Life Improvers - and then follow the path from there.

The Checklists For Running Your Life present a sequence for criteria and what to do and are good alternatives to use as reminders also.


I purport that you have not learned enough about life if you have stopped short of what it takes to get very good results out of life - for results are the ultimate measurement of life and one's knowledge/wisdom.  I also purport that "normal" is not a good criteria, as there is alot of  rationalization bullbleep out there.

Check off which you meet - and aggressively learn what you need to achieve the ones you cannot yet check off as being true of you or your situation.

This site is designed to have you learn the essentials considerably more quickly (and better) than you could otherwise.



__ Weight below BMI of 23 (outside limit is 25)
__ 120/80 blood pressure or better
__ Sugar metabolism is good (70-120 blood sugar, fasting below 100, tested for hypoglycemic
__  Eat virtually no direct sugar, no refined carbohydrates, little alcohol (zero is still best!),
     little or no coffee
__ Fully rested every day, full night's sleep (no less than 7 nor more than 9, for an adult),
    awakening without need of alarm
__ Use no substances (except normal medications when ill) to adjust body/mind down to (or
    up to) a different level.
__ Moving at least 5,000 steps a day (target healthy is 10,000 steps)
__ Become ill (cold, etc.) 1 or fewer times a year

JUDGMENT-BASED (But pretty clearly determinable)
__ Good energy for most of the day
Emotional intelligence
   __ Virtually no stress all day
   __ No complaining (and no gossiping about others) at all (only seek solutions)
   __ No anger (except if physically threatened)
   __ No resentment of others
   __ No self-criticism nor criticism of other people.
__ Plenty of time for yourself and do good personal care for self
__ I have a clear, written plan for my life.
__ I have sufficient education in a skill for being highly competent in an occupation and/or
    avocation (and able to produce value).
__ I am sufficiently organized and time-rich (lots of spare time to use as you wish)

JUDGMENT-BASED (Based on estimation)

Meet these happiness and happiness practices criteria
   __ I feel good about myself
   __ I am confident in knowing I can and will handle whatever situation comes up
        __ I feel a good sense of mastery in life
   __ I have no illusionary fears
   __ I see life as good and the world as being beneficial
   __ I have very good emotional intelligence (Not reactive, keep great perspective,
        understand myself and others)
__ Relationship skills are high enough for me to have good relationships comfortably.
__ I respond by learning what is necessary to correct self for a complaint/comment from
    another about my behavior.
__ I am responsible and dependent on nobody (and interdependent on a few)
__ I earn sufficient income (by my criteria)
__ I have good spending habits relative to income
__ I am accumulating sufficiently for retirement


An alternative test that is fairly similar but where you rate your level is The Overall Life Test.

I thought that it might be useful to have a test that had an attainment criteria, so I devised this one to measure what still needs to be learned to live a "good life" - and the other one this page links to where the same idea is used to be clear on what a great life looks like .

Use the search engine in the SiteMap to find a particular topic not already linked.