I have created this page both as an "easy" review and reminder for myself and as a means for others to possibly see and develop a point of view and a way of living in life that really, truly works for their happiness.  (I may or may not add many posts.  It will be what it will be.  I smile as I write these words...)  I have gone ahead and added some links, in the hopes that it would add some value to my writings...

11/12 As I turned up the music to concert proportions, I am surrounded by beautiful, soul penetrating music.  I feel a chill going through my body, up my neck, into the back of my head and moving forward into all of my head...a sense of elation.  I've had a perfect day so far, got up very early and its now 8 am, but a wonderful day, only to be added to, living in bonusland, far beyond good...

The music vibrates.  I see the beautiful colors around me.  I love bright colors.

I had a wonderful smoothie this morning and a great cup of coffee.  I feel so healthy and I feel great about my new weight and learning so much about health, for really the first time, rising from the generalities and impressions and cultural myths. 

Listening to the Yo Yo Ma Radio on Pandora.  Incredible music!!!!

And I smile at it all...

Now for a great workout and reading Burchard's Motivation Manifesto... and then a day of exploring, creating, writing, formulating, trying my best to create something that will be of value...

Entry 11/9/14

I feel a sense of ecstasy today, sitting here early in the morning drinking my coffee, reading and exploring.  This world is so plentiful, a cornucopia of all the great things I can access.  I am doing exactly what I want to do, perhaps it is not going as fast as I would wish it to go, but "so it is".  I am not stuck in my fantasies of how it should or could be.  I do not let anyone choose my life for I am totally free of the need to prove myself to others, to win their approval or ok.  I am free, totally, of judging myself "pejoratively".  I have developed my sense of certainty in life and I know that I do not know it all, but I do know enough to be able to choose well, on average.   I am capable of creating my own life.  I am only doing that which I choose.  I am free!

And, today, right now, I feel a sense of ecstasy, a smile comes to my face, my eyes feel bright and alive.  I am living as I should live, choosing all that is good and wonderful, being as I want to be. 

And I want others to see that they can do that also, to see that it is very doable, that they are capable of doing that, capable of shedding their misbeliefs and that which creates their being unhappy for no valid reason. 

Can I do it?


But I think I can at least contribute something positive.

And I am determined to do as much as I can, within my limitations so far.  I do it without struggle, for there is nothing to resist or to have to "try hard" at.  It is not difficult.  It is a joy to learn, to discover, to figure out how to write something, then improve it - even to see my old writings being "not so good", and then upgrading them as well as I can. 

Somehow, some way, I will develop more and more things that work.  And I shall experience the joy of doing that!

Life, indeed, is good, more than good!