Look at the many links, which include some of my history, in My Life Plan.  This is a whole other page of this sort - and I tried to limit the duplications on this page.

From an anxious, shy, underrating of self early life through a hyper-success oriented, exhausting life, with some sidetrips into growth and finally a special wisdom path and a mission, choosing a path of "eccentricity" committed to that mission... (The "resume" is in About Keith.)

Contains what is true of early childhood and what was "overcome":  The Philosophy Of The Happiest Man In The World

Age 20, manufacturing:   Living Based On "Continuous Paths"...
Age 21, I actually "thought" that my life was so interesting that I should write a book about my life and
Age 23:  The Letter Of Appreciation And Its Incredible Impact. (Includes a letter to my Dad)

30's:   I owe him a great debt of gratitude:  EST
        "Saved my life"... Barksdale - The Find Of A Lifetime.
40's:  My Experience With The Lifespring Trainings 

Enter into search engine (in a word document you can link into):  Keith Garrick descriptself - A "marketing" document, with full disclosure, to find a life partner.

In India:  My Enlightenment Experience Being Sick In India - Gratitude And My Non-Suffering (enter into the main site's search engine) - A significant experience for me.

Trying to correct to a new balance of "get it done" to giving the right dose of compassion and empathy: Empathy, Sympathy, And Compassion.

The Process, The Mission, And Who I Am In The Process - What Is Actually Going On With Me As A Real Person.   Wondering whether it will ever be accomplished...

Simple, human challenges:  The Struggle With "Comfort"/"Escape" Vs. Self-Control:  The Spider Solitaire Story - A challenge overcome, but this is part of the process.

Text of some actual recordings used for grounding: Text Of Recordings Actually Used For Grounding.  These were very helpful at the time, under a difficult circumstance.

My Challenges And What I Will Do About Them 

My "Visuals" Notebook - List some things I have in my own visuals.

What I Have That I Am Given - My Incredible Base - Used to establish that base, for me.  Lots of items, still to be added to from the abundance of life and of the world.

I Am Overwhelmed With Gratitude And Appreciation Of Life, Of What I Am Experiencing Now, The Abundance Of It All! - An actual feeling that came over me.  And I've experienced this a number of times, where I feel thrilled to live life and to have all that I have (beyond material items) in life.

How Much Is Enough? - My ruminations about this, and my decision.  And one that is just about me:  How Much Is Enough For Me?  What Is My Baseline Where I Feel "OK"? 

Life Is A Friggin', Incredible, Huge Miracle!  Not Just "OK" Or "Good"! - Part of my actual view.

   For my own perspective, I wrote this to clarify where I (we) are in life: 
         Life From The Viewpoint Of A Caveman.

My Top 25 Gratitude Affirmations - Enter into the search engine

My Day - To Be A Healthy, Happy Person - The Path, A Committed Schedule To What I Think Is Worth My While  - Close to the way I live my life right now, including my "Morning checklist"

Oops, It Didn't Work - I Better Try Something Else - Learned over time.  I had mislearned about anger, punishment, criticism... (enter in sitemap search engine)

What I realized and corrected: Why And How I Can Handle Life - Negative Perspiration, Daddy-O! 

Keith's Personal Pages

My Life Plan - Links into the pages of my plan.  Contains lots of pieces not listed on this page. Particularly such things as:

People who inspire me.
My Bill Of Rights
My Declaration Of Independence
Much more...

I keep a separate file (and place in email) for thank you's, compliments, and successes and even have on this site:

Thank Yous And Feedback About The Life Managment Alliance Site - These feedbacks are gratifying and I appreciate them very much as bonuses in my life.