Maria Nemeth, a high level guide and practicality mentor, uses a great metaphor/analogy.  She notes that in our minds we live in a metaphysical world.  (Metaphysical is defined as "abstract", of "meanings" and not physical world realities. "referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense" (i.e. not existing in the real physical, material world).

A paraphrasing of the story, with some added comments, goes like this:

We can move like lightning and make giant instant leaps in our minds.  We can "achieve" great things in our minds ("see" the achievement, as if it were real, and feel good about it or bad about it).  Movement in the metaphysical world is rapid and effortless, easy.  There is no "sludge" that slows it down.  There is no effort, no barriers, no obstacles.  

We can decide to "leap forward" and/or "do great things". 

And then we seek to go to the point of "manifesting" it into reality, to create the actual desired result in the real, material, physical, results world.  

And, when we get to "the border" between metaphysical reality and actual reality, we often "metafizzle" - as we run into barriers and frictions, etc., such as "it takes time" and it takes effort and there may be opposing forces out there to overcome.  We metafizzle.

The story is a good one.  

And the lessons are many.

One lesson is that people who are unrealistic about their metaphysical thinking will "metafizzle" in life, and end up not producing the results in their lives.  They will be ineffective and not practical.  And, I purport, they will not be happy (except in the initial contemplation of it for a passing moment or moments in time).  


What you think actually does involve physical circuits in your brain and this does cause electrochemical impulses and sensations which are real and in the real world.  So we think that metaphysics is real because it causes real effects.  

We can have faith in a belief system and we can feel good from that, but that does not mean the thing we believe in is necessarily true - after all there are 10,000 different variations of disciplines, related-beliefs systems, or "faiths", so how can they all be correct and true?  

I'm not saying they are not true.  But until they are proven to be true, I say that they are just "possibly true" theories, but only theories.  And it is fine to have faith in them (as generally they cannot also be disproven or proven not to be true).  

I can believe that my happiness is dependent on another person's approval of me and I can experience misery when I get rejection, but still it is only a belief, as yet unproven in its veracity.  Of course, the negative effects are proven, as you actually experience them physically (and physically-mentally).  Since people can have different experiences of exactly the same happenings, the beliefs that they are based on are conflicting and therefore not necessarily true - until one has determined which one is actually true.  (We are not dependent on other people's approval in order to be happy!!!!) 

People will use the real effects to "prove" that the metaphysical is reality, but that is not so.  The thinking process and the activation of the physical processes built into us occur in the physical world and are actual, but the veracity of the thoughts are not - they are simply "mental constructs" existing only in the mind as a bit of interrelated data connected via neuronal pathways.  But the data can be changed and the thoughts based on the data can be rearranged so they are not physical realities. 


I "feel" the emotion [which is true, as there is a biochemical sensation].
The emotion was caused by a thought (and the thought actually did occur since we know that the emotion does not happen without a thought of sorts).
Therefore, the thought is correct.

When a person is using "emotional reasoning" they are doing the process above.  You might notice that the logic is very flawed.  

All we know is that the thought caused the emotion, but it is not logical to say that the thought was a correct thought.  We can only determine what is a correct thought by examining the facts and using logic and reasoning to determine what is true. 

Read My Emotional Thinking/Reasoning Tells Me What Is Right - Wanna Bet?  

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I Don't Write This To Be Mean 

We all have fantasies to some extent and we feel good having the good fantasies and bad in thinking about possible bad things happening.

But we all live in the "real world" and our experience of the real world depends largely on how well we deal with what is real and do what is workable.

If one attributes reality to what is metaphysical, one will feel good for the moment, but have a huge number of disappointments and failure to achieve what one wants in life.

So I suggest that one determines what is not reality and what is reality, so that one can be effective in using reality to get what one wants - and to be happy.

The other way doesn't work!