Just a few orienting and quick observations, data:

Of course, you've heard how fiber cleans out the system, slows digestion of glucose to lessen spikes, and makes one full fuller longer.

The strategy involving fiber is primarily to have "enough", but also to use it to feel more full by taking fiber pills to help with weight control and lowering hunger.

I bought mine at 

Gummy bears, 2 with about 2.5 gms of fiber in total, at about 10 calories, with a sweet taste (and a small amount of sugar). 

Regular pills are at about 700 mg to 1 gm. 

Of course, the powders, especially PGX, are good for adding to smoothies and such, but I found them to be quite distasteful in water. 


For eating control, take 2-3 gms (you find out what works best for you), with lots of water, 1/2 hour before eating (or as soon as you think of it before eating).  Do it before every meal, but don't exceed the quota by too much - or you'll have to drink loads of extra water in order to keep things moving. 

If you fill up with fiber, you'll tend to control hunger and to be satisfied longer, but it's also for health purposes.

How much per day? 

Depending on your size relative to others of the same gender you'll adjust from:

Recommended minimum:  32 grams/day

   Men         Women

    38              25

Dr. Mercola optimizes for himself at 50 grams of fiber per every 1000 calories eaten during the day. 

How hard is it to get that much?

It's not hard.  Use these to estimate.  (Fiber is only in veggies, grains, and fruits)

Beans                   .5 cup         6 g
Broccoli, chopped   1 cup         6 
Popcorn, low fat    Reg. bag    12
Apple, large              7"            5
Avocado               1 medium  10
Oatmeal                  1 cup         3
Almonds                 16              4


Foods with fiber help slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream.

When you eat high-quality fiber with a meal, you slow down the “emptying” of your stomach.

This slows the rate at which your body breaks down the food into simple sugars. As a result, your insulin levels remain stable. That reduces the amount of fat you produce and store.

Research shows that consuming just 5 grams of soluble fiber before or with each meal can significantly blunt the blood sugar-insulin surge.

Large population studies show people in countries that consume more soluble fiber weigh less.

Here are my seven steps to get more natural fiber so you can stop any excess weight from creeping up on you, and help you drop excess weight starting now:

1. Fruit skin is the best skin: The pulp isn’t the most important part for extra fiber and dropping pounds. The skins are a MAJOR source of fiber. So leave it on whenever you eat fruit. Blueberries are my favorites because of the heart-healthy nutrients as well. But they also have a fiber-rich skin. Kiwis are a good example. Many people don’t like the skin, but it TRIPLES the fiber you get from a kiwi.

2. The anti-grain fiber: Conventional wisdom says you should eat grains to get your fiber. That’s a mistake. Instead, load up on veggies. The best source of fiber is fibrous vegetables like broccoli, collard greens, squash, eggplant and spinach.

3. Am I nuts: The fiber found in nuts is one of the most effective. Walnuts are a great choice. So are almonds. Eat a handful a day for a quick and easy fiber-filled snack.

4. Pumpkin fibers: Seeds make great fiber-filled snacks. My personal favorite is pumpkin seeds. Their seed pulp has fiber throughout. In South Florida they’re easy to get because specialty stores sell them as “pepitas.” Eat a handful a day.

5. Unique yellow fiber source: Bananas have a type of fiber called inulin. This resists digestion from the small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact. That means bananas help slow digestion and make it much easier to process blood sugar completely so you don’t store fat.

6. Ancient fiber secret: Fenugreek’s secret lies with a special nutrient found in only a few plants in the world. It’s called galactomannan, a type of soluble fiber that slows down the rate sugar gets absorbed into your blood.1 The seeds are 25% galactomannan. Fenugreek is heart healthy too. In one study, a gram of fenugreek per day lowered triglyceride levels and boosted HDL.

7. Ancient Italian fiber miracle: The seventh source of fiber is the “cannelloni” bean, or the white kidney bean. They have a special resistant fiber in them that preserves carbs as fiber so they don’t break down into fat.

How does it work? White kidney beans contain amylase inhibitors. They block the action of the enzyme amylase that digests carbs. The starch doesn’t get digested and passes through the body like fiber. It doesn’t spike blood sugar or insulin.
Resistant fiber also increases thermogenesis or fat-burning. In an Australian study, people switched just 5.4% of their starch intake to resistant fiber. For a full day afterwards they were able to burn 23% more fat.

Source:  Misplaced, let me know if you find it.

Soluble fibers, such as psyllium, are ideal nourishment for beneficial bacteria that assist with digestion and absorption of your food, and play a significant role in your immune function. Opting for an organic version of psyllium will prevent exposure to pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers that are present in nearly all commercial psyllium products.

Outside sources

Dietary Fiber Helps Curb Appetite, And Promotes Heart Health - Dr. Mercola.

Sisson: What's The Deal With Fiber? 


Every 7 grams reduces heart risk by 7%.