Outlook:  Not so good.  Minimize or eliminate...

At the best, it should be restricted, but it presently is the major source of calories...

The age of agriculture and grain production began 10,000 years ago, our physical stature got smaller and we have not had time to evolve to process it - which doesn't prove that we can't process it.  You must test it for yourself - or review all the things that occur from consumption of it - and stop consuming it (which was my decision, as I hate to spend all that time testing things!  I like to learn from other people's experiences and mistakes where I can logically do so.)


One of the benefits of whole grains (don't eat the refined or demolished ones) is their fiber, so they add an important benefit for cleaning out sludge and even excess cholesterol.  


From a long term vegetarian who is quite knowledgeable in nutrition, supplements, and is in the medical field:

Grains have low glycemic ratings when in their natural state, but high when in their processed state.  And one of the most damaging things that can happen to the body is to have blood sugar level surges.  The latter must be avoided if we are to be healthy, period!   Some types of whole wheat bread have a higher effect on blood sugar than does refined sugar!

Whole grain oats are fine, as long as they are certified gluten-free, which just means they have not been in contact with gluten bins. 

Lower glycemic:  Spelt, buckwheat, quinoa, rye (has gluten), wild rice, barley (has gluten), and bulgur.


Joel Fuhrman, M.D (book: Eat For Health):

"Grains simply do not contain enough nutrients per calorie to form a substantial part of your diet.

Whole grains are the least nutrient-dense food of the seed family, and they do not show the powerful protection against disease that is apparent in the scientific studies of fresh fruit, vegetables, beans, raw nuts, or seeds."


As with beans and legumes, grains contain phytic acid, which combines with some nutrients to compromise their absorption in the body - the more you eat the more you have to moitor your minerals intake (calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese).  So people "sprout" them or cook them to reduce the effects. (Yikes!?)

The specific lectins in grains and legumes act like glue in the body.  Almost everyone reacts to them when they enter the bloodstream, causing many allergies.  They mimic hormones, especially those converting glucose into fat (yikes!), and acting like insulin, signaling to produce fat.  They block digestive enzymes and lead to increased appetite.  To destroy them, you've got to "sprout" them.

Well... that doesn't sound so good to me. 


Some argue that grains are inflammatory, in a way that makes sense to me.  See Grains Cause Inflammation, and of course the books mentioned.  They are loaded with Omega 6 (inflammatory if out of balance), difficult to digest, not a good source of nutrients, etc. See 9 Reasons To Avoid Grains.

Yet there are plenty who talk of its great health benefits and anti-inflammatory benefits.

For me, it would seem hard to believe that they are not inflammatory.


From reviewing Grain Brain, by David Perlmutter, M.D., and my other readings, it would seem that it may not be a good idea to eat wheat and other gluten containing grains (or any grains even exposed in manufacture to gluten).  I can find no reason not to eat the other grains, however.  Also many medical and nutrition experts recommend grains as a strong part of any diet.

I have vividly seen what celiac disease (extreme gluten sensibvity, in a special way) can do to a person's inability to absorb iron and other nutrients and the effect on her energy level.  It is a major, major problem.

Dr. Perlmutter makes it clear that gluten sensitivity can affect many of us, even if we do not have celiac disease, and possibly all of us.  Before the agricultural age, we did not eat such a thing, and we have not evolved since then to have our systems be able to process it - though, admittedly, we seem to have remarkably tolerant systems. 

The proven effect on our bodies and on inflammation of our bodies is enough for me to avoid wheat and gluten products (recall that gluten is added to products as a thickener and "smoothener".

One adverse effect of gluten that I had not been aware of involves the fact that gluten breaks down into a mix of polypeptides that can cross the blood-brain barrier and then bind to morphine receptors.  This results in a euphoric response that can be addictive, such that we eat it not for its nutrition's sake and not to satiety but to excess.  The gluten becomes a form of reward - creating all sorts of problems, as emphasized and pointed out strongly in Dr. William Davis's Wheat Belly.

One of the compoents from breaking down gluten is gliadin, which the breain mistakes for a simluer booking protein that is an enemy, causing more inflammation. 

"In the case of gluten, its "sticky" attribute interferes with the breakdsown and absorption of nutrients... poorly digested food leads to a pasty residue in your gut, which alerts the immune system to learp into action...resulting in an assault on the lining of the small intestine..." "This leads the immun system to keep sending out inflammatory chemicals, killer cells among then , in a bid to wipe out the enemies..." (Grain Brain)


Gluten is used as a "glue" or added ingredient to vodka, soy, vitamins, soups, cereals, mayonnaise - all sorts of things.  So you need to check the ingredients out and decide whether or not to use them.
Remember, inflammation is our biggest killer.  And anything that causes inflammation is to be avoided like death, so to speak...

A nice summary article on the issues:

The Awful Truth About Eating Grains, Dr. Mercola

It could be helpful to read these two books:

Grain Brain is about all nutrition and health, though it really makes a clear case about gluten and how important it is to watch out for it.

Go Wild, John J. Ratey, M.D.: "Don't eat grain. Don't eat anything made from grain."

"Grains can be very healthy, when they are whole, unprocessed, and prepared in a good way. They are high in fiber, and contain many important essential nutrients like vitamins from the B group.  They are cheap, widely accessible, and they contribute to lower LDL cholesterol levels.  However, grains have a high glycemic load, they contain substances that are acting as anti-nutrients, and most of them are highly allergenic.  They are linked to many health problems like obesity, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, Cohn’s disease, leaky gut syndrome, and even malnutrition."

  Are Grains Toxic?