

Your human equipment will do what it has always done - and it hasn't changed since 10,000 years ago, when we were in the caves and the jungles.  (Evolution)

As such, you are limited to its functions, the ones that were sufficient to handle the simple life then - don't expect any more!

You have not evolved sufficiently to naturally handle the modern world - don't expect any more!

You have evolved to have a brain that will allow for devising new strategies.  It is your godsend, otherwise you would quickly die of stress and dysfunction in this modern world.  Learn how to use the higher brain.


Don't trust your feelings or natural inclinations to be the right ones.  Instead, pay attention and manage them, within their limitations.  You must learn how they work mechanically - and why they are often not 'right'.

Don't believe your beliefs as if they were truths.  You must use the scientific method to determine what is true and workable, or your life will be 'hard' and you'll have lots of problems.  If you use problem solving and the scientific method, you will have few and not long lasting problems.  Life will be easy.

Your thoughts are not accurate or real, as taught by many disciplines, including Buddhism.  Watch the oscar winning movie A Beautiful Mind.

Intuition and leaps over necessary thinking are not necessarily accurate, though they are worth considering, but only your higher brain and its proper use can decide. 


In fear, your alarm emergency system will cause an out of balance situation that will harm you and your systems.  Stop the frequency, the sensitivity, and the duration - respond only to what is a real danger, dumping the false ones.

The cost of lack of recovery time will be worse and worse recovery and worse and worse functioning.   Careful or you won't notice it - you will get used to it, and it'll kill you or slow you down so you are underfunctioning and underproductive.  You must sleep a full night until rested.  Sleep deprivation is costly - and you gain weight.  Use
"breaks" to recover.

The cost of too much sugar or jolts of sugar, or refined carbohydrates, and/or fear will whipsaw your body, you'll be out of homeostatic (well-functioning) balance - and you'll cause poor immune system, misreplication of DNA (cancer), cardiovascular, etc. problems - at a huge cost.  There are no miracles to be had here.

The cost of lack of recovery time (or rejuvenation) will be worse and worse recovery and worse and worse functioning.   Careful or you won't notice it - you will get used to it, and it'll kill you or slow you down so you are underfunctioning and underproductive.

Your body will adjust for "bad" stuff, but it will cost you.  (You won't notice the symptoms much at first because the body has adjusted.  Example:  drink soda, body redeems calcium from bones, leaves less calcium for other uses.)


You learn gradually, always in steps, one after the other.  Shortcuts don't exist.  Before you know enough you will make mistakes due to not knowing enough.  If you actively look at what occurred and attempt to learn from it, you will progress much faster. 
(The Life Improvement Journal)  "At first, you start off absolutely clueless, and then you gradually figure it out."

You can learn and do, within physical limitations, virtually anything anyone else can do if you learn what they learned to do it (learn the steps!).  If you haven't learned how to learn, your learning will be slower and not of high enough quality, so there will be more errors - but they aren't necessary if you but learn how to learn (faster and better) - and that is worth doing as it is repeated over and over.

You will not learn enough just from living life.  That is a false bromide based on lack of knowledge.  (Remember, our "natural" way is limited; see above.) You must learn life on purpose in order to be able to handle it well.

Note that even emotions and moods are mechanical (physical chemicals and wiring - no ghosts) - and can be cured mechanically.


Your life path is determined by what you are taught and exposed to.  You are not "at fault" for that - it is just a 'what is'.  The solution is always to learn something new, or you will repeat past behavior forever - and live Groundhog Day over and over and over and over.  That is hell on earth.  Learn avidly - and you'll create heaven on earth.

Habits will not change quickly, as the old neuronal pathways will still exist until they fall into further and further disuse AND your new repeated actions become wired in.  You cannot overcome this law nor this mechanical reality, but you can learn how to manage, given the law.

You will not notice small changes, especially since you are likely to become habituated.  You must use periodic, pre-scheduled measuring and monitoring times to "realize" what is going on.  If you don't adjust, it will cost you.

Thinking change is 'hard' is a misinterpretation.  Tensing up is what is hard.  Changing just takes more tries and repeats.  Shortcuts don't work, though smarter design of steps (procedures) will work faster.  (Find out what a successful person's procedure/system was and you can duplicate the success.)

Habits, new ways of being, virtues, etc. all must be built up, like a muscle.  At first, we can only lift a lesser weight and fewer times.  But if we know we want to build up, we can't quit too soon in discouragement at all of a sudden not being able to lift an admirable weight. (Study Willpower and its cousins.)  In fact, in reality, all things are "built up" over time - and that includes wisdom, where we must gain it as soon as possible in life, which requires alot of devoted time to doing so - and never criticizing ourselves along the way. (See The Learning Curve.)

Your system evolved based on getting things right now, so it is difficult to get it to see long term, especially since that is only a function of the higher brain.  You must "convince" the primitive brain of a future benefit - it can't see it.

Humans can only live within these realities, period.

An extra note:

According to the laws of physics, happenstance and luck occur only once in a while and are far less reliable that producing your own results.

Notice that people who are highly compensated will have very well developed mega skills, as those help the person produce much more value in the economic world (and in life itself).   Hoping for high compensation without those skills is seldom (except by luck and happenstance, which are not reliable sources) fulfilled.  (From Getting The Results You Want In Life - The Overview Of What Is Necessary.)  

A Huge Reality

Value is created and rewards come only for true value creation.  See the statement at the end of the body of this piece.

A huge source of unhappiness is unrealistic expectations in life and in relationships.  Save yourself the upsetting feelings by eliminating those expectations and adjusting to what reality is (learn what it is!).

The Realities Of Human Behavior - A clear understanding of these concepts is the single most important requirement for building sound self-esteem.

Book: If Life Is A Game, These Are The Rules - Ten Rules For Being Human, Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D.
Book summary - Note that "a lesson is repeated until learned" is true but not accurate, as there are no mysterious forces presenting anything.  If you do not know how to do something yet, you will make mistakes.  And if you notice that and wish to not make mistakes you will seek to get your own lesson, as a mistake is not something bad, but just an indication of "not yet knowing".

Google rules of life and then pick what you think is valid.