rough draft at this point, but a central piece to can get the idea...

Since we do not just mechanically only fill our need, we also attribute "negative" meaning to those sensations (chemicals, etc.) that "come upon us" that we believe our threatening our survival.  However, we misconstrue (misconscrew?) and misinterpret what is an actual threat and what is not an actual threat to our survival.  If it is not an actual threat and we can adjust our thinking and let our danger signaling system know and understand that, we will eliminate the need for the primitive system to give us negative, motivating chemicals of discomfort.  Interestingly, we also give ourselves more negative chemicals when we feel the negative chemicals from something, as we add a sense of alarm and meaning to it - such as "I should't be feeling this" or "ohmigod, ain't it awful that I feel discomfort (scared, weak, etc.)

then we assess that in terms of total value...positive or negative and assess how well our lives are going.

how I impress other and have worth saves me from the jungle...

The point of all of this is that we make much ado about it all but it, per se, inately, is meaningless - and we no longer need to make ourselves suffera bout it. 

Why would you want to feel the sting of disapproval if it had no real value to you in reality - we give things false value

We see other people value it in our society so we copy, without thinking...

There is only discomfort that is meaningless, let it slide by as no big deal...

Omigod, this is a need if I don't fill it'll be awful...  So we've created something that exists only in our minds and then we set up a way to suffer from it, when there is no actual real effect (unless we make it into a threat that generates negative chemicals)!!!!!  See Notice:  Nothing Actually Happened! - One Of The Greatest Philosophical Insights.

allthough we create meaning through a mechanical brain, it could be said that meaning is the only thing about humans that is non-mechanical, as it is, in a sense, spiritual, existing in the "ethereal" space of "out there" (though it's really just exising in our minds)....


Since, as we've noted elsewhere, we probably, as humans, will not completely change and/or readjust to what is true, then there will be some "faux" needs left in my brain.

Based on these "remainders" or "residuals", then my wants and "tend towards" (attracted to), as I sense them, even with my rational thinking intact, are still:

To have

A sense of safety (and certainty)
the stimulation of being around other people,
to receive a smile from somebody who cares (a stranger's smile does not have much effect on me),
A hug feels good
Somebody focussing on me and finding me good to be with - tribal...
to be amused,
to not have to be anxious (there is a physical basis for this!),
to have a sense of power, of efficacy over life (and certainty)
To regard myself very well (as that is the opposite of fear)

I will safer and more secure if I have the skills for surviving well, so developing my key life and power skills is beneficial.

I am not "above it all", as some people might conscrew it, but I have "stepped aside", stepped outside the box, become a "witness" to what is going on and thereby I do not need to buy into the myths and beliefs that are simply not true.  So, now I can focus on that which is "real", which has real legitimacy to create that which is of value to me (that which I have created in my mind as being valuable).  (Seeing someone as "above it all" is a social status defense, actually a put down or "you're being different and you're full of BS and superiority and I don't feel good around you as I'm not 'safe' and respected nor are you similar to me and I can't trust you".)

The Six Human Needs

1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure

2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli

3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed

4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something

5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding

6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others.

Tony Robbins:  The 6 Human Needs: Why We Do What We Do 

I think it is useful to use the six human needs that Tony Robbins lays out, as is, but also in a way that identifies the needs in a different context/way.  These six "needs", I would purport, are actually "means to" meeting a core need.

The most basic need, for which we evolved of course, is survival.  As such our real need is food, shelter, water, air.  Once those are met, our basic need is met. 

However, humans are unique in that they can set a meaning (and a value) to what occurs in life.  As such, while we can survive, life would have no value to a human being if it didn't have some "positive" meaning.