(Actually, being tired is a form of being out of balance.)


When we talk of crazy people, we often use the phrase "he's off his rocker".  That's what we are, to perhaps a lesser extent, but definitely to too much of an extent. 

When we are tired or out of balance physiologically, as you've undoubtedly felt, your brain has energy pulled from it so you can't think as well.

And when you can't think as well AND you don't "feel strong", your decisions are quite often dysfunctional and/or just plain damaging.  You tend to perpetuate what makes you tired and/or off balance, so the effects compound. 

Of course, we don't like this feeling of making poor decisions (and will, further, criticize ourselves for it and lose confidence in ourselves), so we will stress ourselves about it - which causes us to be further out of balance physically, which causes us to function worse in the psychological and thinking area.  


This is a vicious circle (or more accurately a vicious downward spiral) that causes much harm.  And part of the harm is the energy we have to use up just to get us back into balance (homeostasis or "high survival mode") - the cost of getting back to normal, so to speak, is about 2 to 4+ times the energy we would spend when we are in balance. 

Remember that there are multiple costs, which can interact together to geometrically multiply the downward impact - and that it takes time and energy to recover - the recovery consists of alot of hard work for the body in trying to get rid of the "threat" of being less capable of responding to what the primitive brain thinks of as threats to survival. 

(The primitive brain's interpretation of oneself being less able to respond plus its undifferentiated, illogical belief that this is a real threat to survival creates an urgency and a mobilization that is designed to compel us to get back to a survival-competency mode.  Remember the primitive brain, which evolved more than 100,000 years ago, before our higher brain, has "by default" due to evolution only two primary overall functions:  survival and procreation, where we cooperate to the extent that the next generation survives to do the same.  Read The Story Of Our Happy And Our Unhappy Chemicals - A Tale Of The Mechanisms For Survival to be able to trace from where everything starts right on to the physiological and psychological impacts.)


The costs are far more than we think they are, partially due to our not knowing what they are and partially due to our overestimation of the assumed superman operation of the body and its power to recover - the latter is hugely exaggerated.

You cannot escape the mechanical realities of how the body operates and the inevitable costs of being in a poor operating condition.

Feel less sharp (the brain notes that state and your "self-opinion" is affected)

Spend time thinking poorly (or "less well"), so

    We make poor decisions (or "less good" ones)

         We suffer from the poorer results, which in turn creates another stress spiral of

    We exaggerate concerns (we are more prone to hypersensitive primitive brain
          thinking) - and we don't feel good, besides being stressed about them

We don't get along as well with other people

    Because we don't feel as good (which causes us to be self concerned more, which
        causes us to be less aware of what to do and of what they are saying, and
        especially what is going on with them; we are less loving and less appreciative);
        the "not feeling good" goes into a downward spiral.

    We aren't as sharp in responding to them.

We are less productive (as there are competing self needs to settle the discomfort and exaggerated concerns)

We incur is a super chronic ongoing cost to the lack of sleep - plus a huge drop in productivity and all the costs of being less alert (costs to relationships, personal well-being, etc.)

And more...


Aren't those too great a price to pay?

Don't you think that you shouldn't tolerate it? 

And wouldn't you like to have many current high quality years plus later in life have high quality, healthy years?

Surely you cannot turn down this opportunity... hopefully not!