This may very likely sound corny or like the same old thing you've heard over and over.  But I ask you to stay with me and to look at this in more depth, as this reality is a vital thing to accept and understand - and it is quite beneficial!

"But I can't control everything.  Things do happen to me."

Certainly that is true.  But the difference between being the author of your life or the victim of circumstances, of other people and of your past, etc., is in what you do with that, how you use it, and how you accept it or work with it.

"But my life has had such a lot of factors in it that make it difficult for me.  Even that crippled, burned guy has it easier than me." 


I can't quite see the logic in there.  Perhaps, you might want to reexamine that and get rid of that untrue rationalization and excuse, for it locks you into being a victim.

We all arrive at the location we are at and some things don't go our way.  And we all have programming from events, misinformation, etc. that put us in this place at this time.  So, yes, there are some things we do not control, but to succumb to that idea and to overgeneralize them is a definite thinking error.  The truth is also that there is so much that we can control.  And we have the ability to learn anything and to reason our way to good decisions and ultimately to a great life, within the circumstances we have. 

Humans are not perfect.  And most of us even make the thinking error of expecting unrealistic things of ourselves and others.  Basically, we are all of limited awareness based on whatever life path we have had, but we are all capable of changing that path if we so choose - by heeding this site (and other sources, of course) to accelerate your learning and to make it more indepth and effective. 

If you do that, then you are authoring a life that is better than the one you would have otherwise.  And if you do this as diligently as I would suggest (for the payoffs are far greater than the costs), you can author a life that is simply great and extraordinary, and do it with ease and grace and power.  If you don't choose that, you are still authoring your life.

Either way, you are responsible for choosing what you do and you will be the recipient of the results that you create.