There are indicators of causes (of 'good' and of 'not good' results) and there are the results. The first part of this rating is about the results that come from those causes. Remember, from the Life Management section, that for every result we can trace back to a cause , the result is the proof in the pudding. Write down if you agree or disagree with the following applying to you.
Instructions: Place a checkmark (or an x) in one column opposite a statement to indicate the level of agreement or disagreement. Later, you'll count the checkmarks in a column and use those to derive a score. (Print this page or copy and paste it into a word document.)
The column heading letters: HA = Highly agree, A = Agree, SA = Slightly agree, N = In the middle, SD = Slightly disagree, D = Disagree, HD = Highly disagree.
PART I (OF 2) .
1. I feel powerful almost all the time.
2. People feel empowered around me.
3. I am living my utmost best life.
4. I am very physically fit.
5. I take time for myself.
6. I am strongly assertive.
7. I feel underlying happiness most of the time.
8. I create the results I want in life most of the time.
Alternative exercise: Put a W in the column where you would want to be. The difference between actual and wanted is the gap you need to close by learning and implementing what is on this site and in its referred resources.
Instructions: Place a checkmark (or an x) in one column opposite a statement to indicate the level of agreement or disagreement. Later, you'll count the checkmarks in a column and use those to derive a score.
The column heading letters: HA = Highly agree, A = Agree, SA = Slightly agree, N = In the middle, SD = Slightly disagree, D = Disagree, HD = Highly disagree.
11. I get angry or annoyed at others.
12. I am critical of others.
14. I watch a lot of TV and/or engage
in a lot of distractions.
15. I smoke, drink, use drugs.
16. I am subject to moods.
Alternative exercise: Put a W in the column where you would want to be. The difference between actual and wanted is the gap you need to close by learning and implementing what is on this site and in its referred resources.
Consider having another person who knows you well fill these out about you, as there are a number of people who so heavily deny their actual condition that their own self-ratings are not even close to the truth while some, of course, are in between truth and irreality. (Have them be careful to answer it about the actual reality of it. The person should not be guessing what you would answer.)
People tend to over-evaluate themselves on the “positive” statements. Some “powerful” people are actually just “forceful” people, mistaking “force” for “power”. Power is the ability to cause a chosen positive result. Anger, for instance, is a sign of force used against (a threat or resistance).
To tally the scores, total the two sections separately.
Multiply by these scores -3-2 -1 0 1 2 3
Multiply by these scores 3 2 10 -2 -4-6
Total net points for Questions 1-8 ____
Total net points for Questions 10-16 ____
Total points ____
25 To 45: Pretty powerful to super powerful. A wise person.
16 to 24: Running life positively with some power. On the way to being wise.
0 to 16: Somebody who has done some work and simply needs to do more.
0 to -15: Many people are in this category, wasting much of life.
-16 to -30: Living an unpowerful life, a big dose of victim and self-criticizer in there along with not enough knowledge to manage psychological negatives.
-30 to -39: Unhappy, agitated life, greatly in need of full repair
Below -40: Emergency learning, need for guidance to help to more quickly gain the wisdom needed.
What score do you want to alter your life to attain? ___
Are you willing to do what it takes to create the desired score for your life?
(Checkmark all the apply.)
__ Yes, I will do what it takes. It is the most valuable thing I can do.
__ No
__ It is too hard.
__ It is too much work
__ I'm too busy.
__ I am not capable of it.
Good question!
Identify the paths you want to go down.
Read at least the first two pieces. Be sure to make, as noted in the Momentum piece, "The One Decision", for without that one will keep on stopping short of what it takes to create the life you love.
Before doing the above, some people may want to explore certain "problem areas" as identified in any one line above (in the test sections). To do so, simply enter into the search engine the phrase and pick a piece to start reading, following the links to the point where you feel informed. You will later master these to a higher level.
Then return to the Paths page, above.