(This replaces a document page of the same title.)

Yes, the process is to first “understand” and from that be able to then “forgive”

But there is something underneath that, which can be holding the thinking problem in place. 

I, myself, do not ever find myself in a place where I have to forgive anyone, for I learned something a few years back that helped me not to blame in the first place.  I’d recommend it to you.  (I used to refer to an organization, but since then I have purchased all the copyrights and now make it available to you at no cost:

A few pieces, listed below, on the website ( are relevant and could be useful.  You might try reading them, as you would a book, even though they are individual pieces. 

It could be useful to first read, under “Your   PERSONAS AND ROLES” (it is a text document; you'll have to enter it in the search enginve to get it.) as it is a lead-in to the perspective that is needed to create a new conversation.  (Read praticularly The Child Persona - We Hold Onto This As If It Were Useful, But It Isn't!!!!)

Also, it may be useful to read, in that same section, “Childhood Decisions and Tools - Are you still operating from them?”.   (Use the search engine.)

Then read, at the top of that section in bold and capital letters:  “THE JUDGE/CRITIC ” and especially “NO-BLAME - The Reasoning For ”.  If you “get” the point in the latter (as it is like a mathematical equation and is therefore a “truth”), you’ll be able to let go of the “chain” above it, the one that leads to lack of forgiving. 

Although it is in another section, the following can be useful:   Responsibility Versus Victimhood - A Lookd At Being Powerful, Or Not.. 

In the Relationships, Communication section, read the first ones in bold, capitalized letters, down to the criticism piece – as they discuss blame, etc., in relationships.  It will  give you a better perspective to read through some of the items under that subsection called Criticism, Blame, Make-Wrongs, Judging, Complaining, Negative Talk