Google Task List (Lightweight)
Cost: 0
Multiple lists
Convert email to task
Due dates show on calendar
No prioritization
Can do pop-ups
Shift T - to go to tasks.
If use Chrome as Browser, add good tasks panel (adds to top
Can have automatic tab (see video to left)
Use coloring system
My notes for personal use of GTasks - In My Task Management Software.
Wunderlist - Don't do.
Share lists (autoupdate to all)
sort A-Z, task, person
click and drag from one list (like inbox) to relevant list, date and time due
can email integrate, via chrome extension
chrome extension
in cloud
50 items - free
100 items $7/mo
then 57/mo!
Sign up for free
click on "do today's training" and go through the days (trapped, have do do the same lesson, interactively, three times!) 0r "star" in the heading
Can "schedule" into a google calendar!
Lots of features, forces you through all the steps, as it should be!!!!