Some notes on acetylcholine and its functions:   

Acetylcholine is the neurochemical for "neuroplasticity", essentially the condition in which we can rewire the brain (and memory).   We will be doing a lot of rewiring as we manage the process of self mastery.  

Acetylcholine: Is both an excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter, located in both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Acetylcholine speeds up the brain and thus the signals.  Essentially, you're sharper. 

It creates attention and arousal, speeds up neurons,, permitting communication between the nerves and the muscles, activating the muscle to contract.

It helps you have higher thoughts and facilitates better decision making. 

It plays an important role in learning and memory - there is marked deficiency in Alzheimer's patients.

It increases responsiveness to sensory stimuli (a form of attention) and increases the firing rate of sensory neurons.

It facilitates responsiveness to stimuli and improves decision making.  

It activates skeletal muscles (to produce muscle contraction), but it inhibits contraction of cardiac muscle fibers.

Helps sustain attention, enhances sensory perception when we wake up.  
It promotes REM sleep.

Acetylcholine stimulates cortisol secretion to some extent. (Cortisol is good in the right quantities.)

Excitatory for neurons, in some cases exciting inhibitory neurons to dampen down cortical activity 

Disrupting it may be a primary cause of depression.

As people age over 50, acetylcholine levels decline.   Cuprezine A - stops it from breaking down so fast...Dr. James Meschino

Some forms of learning and plasticity in the cortex are dependent on acetylcholine presence.

It stimulates the autonomic nervous system - releasing epinephrine (aka Adrenaline) and norepinephrine.


In low doses, these stimulate the receptors, in high doses they numb them, so you need expert guidance rather than engaging in self-dosing.  

Acetyl l-carnitine (available, but watch doses, as it is easy to misdose!


(Other drugs,which are not recognizable by almost everyone, are listed in Wikipedia.)


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​See my discussion of managing your chemicals:  Managing The Chemicals In The Body - Balancing Them And Using Them For Functioning Better.

Detailed research

Neurotransmitters - An Introduction - epinephrine, serotonin, dopamine pathways...