Turning your life around is simply a matter of learning what you are missing. It is not a mysterious, quantum leap process or one where you have to battle demons. It is straightforward, and entirely doable.
necessary in doing "the build" of knowledge - if you're missing a piece then you cannot understand the next level that is built on top of that. Remarkable results in correcting what was missing are obtained by doing "Mastery Learning", where you fill in what is missing. [Although talking about math, what Salman Khan says in this video relates to learning life through going back to basic concepts: Salman Khan On Relearning (2:36).]
You could start by directly listing what you need to unlearn, meaning that which is related to your unsolved problems or barriers in terms of beliefs that are getting poor results for you. An example might be something like "I am not good enough". And you'd list what you think you need to learn more about in life to get what you want.
From the overall list, you would then relist in priority order of what is most important.
Then you'd enter the terms in the search engine and click on what seems to be most relevant. If there is a program for it, you might follow that one. If there is a checklist for it, you might use that as a guide, perhaps using the links or search engine to learn more on a particular topic. Or you could go to the related contents/links page and start reading the articles, probably mostly in the order that they are listed.
The key is for you to unlearn, relearn, and/or learn what is missing until you have mastered it this time!