

While the goal is happiness (and satisfaction), we must be more explicit about what it takes in life to have true happiness.

Remember, all things in life happen based on cause and effect, in a "causal chain".

            I do stuff to increase happiness
                                                                      →    Maximum life happiness
            I do stuff to reduce unhappiness  

The great philosophers say the goals of life and producing happiness rely on practicing "the virtues".   But we must make it clear that the virtues are only the way to increasing happiness or decreasing unhappiness - and are not "the goal". 


But right before happiness in the chain is what we experience in life that is of the most value to us:  our current experience AND our "memory experience".  In the latter, we recall something (even a conclusion about ourselves) and we experience happiness from it.  What we want, of course, is the most happiness and we want to have it available to us to experience all the time plus, I think, even as a background to life, like a sweet background music but one of thoughts. 

(Certainly we want to minimize or eliminate the constant background noise of negative chatter of the mind.  We want to reduce the frequency of neuronal patterns containing negative feelings, which, as we know, pop up due to the associating of the circumstances with some content in the neuronal pattern.  Part of that is reducing the negativity by correcting the neuronal patterns so that the negative association is no longer in the content.  Part of that is training the brain to spot association errors, where things pop up that are not really rationally applicable.)

Managing our neuronal patterns, such as beliefs, is a key process along the way to happiness, as it permits us to reap more "good stuff," and less "bad stuff," from life. 

So to get to the good stuff right before the happiness experience, we need to do all that is necessary to lead up to that - which is what this site is about (use the search engine for whatever your interest is).  But in this piece we will be looking at what is it that we experience further along the causal chain to happiness.


We forget along the way that the means are not the goals.  The money is not the goal, but what we can do with it to add to our happiness and survival.  Growth is not the goal, but it is one helluva means to the ultimate goal.

The ultimate goal is deep, unconditional, continuing happiness.


If you look at the definition of happiness, these conditions are necessary:

1.  Feeling good about who I am.

2.  Having the confidence that I can, and will, handle any situation and be able
        to produce happiness no matter what the outcome. (Not resisting or
       fearing outcomes, accepting the inevitability of not all favorable
       outcomes.) (See Fearlessness.)

3.  Considering life (and its pieces, the world) to have the right stuff available
       for me to be able to use for my benefit.   [Read Life Is Good]

4.  An appreciation for what I have and the immensity of it.  (aka "Gratitude")


But in describing the valuable life I need to include the experiences that lead to happiness (or comprise it). 

Yes, I experience life through filters (values, life viewpoints), but what are the components of the experience that produce life value?  And, of course, part of eachMy experience is always in terms of feelings (sensations that are of a positive valence [value]).  (See also What Is The Value Of Life Itself? What Do I Get Out Of it?.)

Feeling of love

Flowing love out to others (not the neurotic feeling of needing approval from others to have life be ok)
Feeling love from others (but not having to have it or being fearful about it, just appreciating the bonus)

Feeling of appreciation

Appreciating life, the great things and benefits of the world, of society, of how the human body and mind work.
Exploring new ways of appreciating the world and making finer distinctions in order to be better able to appreciate it.

Feeling of strength, capability, good survival

The good feeling (of the extra survival value) of discovering something that will be of benefit to me and/or to others.
The feeling from using a skill and being effective (evolutionarily based).  The feeling is not only in the performance of it, but the knowing (memory) of it. (The development of actual competence is necessary here, as "affirmations" and such don't work sufficiently to carry the load or a 'lie'.)

Contributing, cooperation, social

Contributing to the well-being of others
Social interflow with supportive, positive people (feels good to be with other humans, chemicals!)

In the valuable life, I'm having good experiences from appreciating, loving, contributing, competence.

While we can enjoy examining life because of the good stuff we discover, that in itself helps us feel a greater survival ability (and the good chemicals related to that) - which feels good due to evolution.

The point is not that it is the examining itself that is the endpoint  that we are looking for., but that the endpoint is definitely the result of the examining. 

So, when Socrates says "a life unexamined is not worth living", he doesn't mean that the goal is to be an examiner or even to enjoy it.  He means that if we examine life we can improve it and thus have a happier life.  Every very happy life results from "looking at life", learning about life, examining what is true, deciding how to live life, and then learning how to do those things that work.

I'm not attempting to list all of what is valuable in life, but I am urging you to do something like this for yourself so that it becomes clear to you where you are motivated to go and what is of value to you.  Use this piece and also my personal one, What The Valuable Happy Life Looks Like For Me - My Picture Of The Future.


If you don't know where you are going... you'll end up somewhere else.

If it is not really clear, then it won't be as strong or as attractive.

This is a bit like the Carpenter's Rule, though vastly, vastly more important to do in this case:  "Measure twice, cut once."   (Mentioned in regard to finding a partner, selecting a career, planning, discerning truth, the learning curve, and effective problem solving - enter which you are interested in into the search engine on the sitemap.


These are clearly not the end goal, but a means to our end goals.  Of course, along the way, we set up as a goal to have ourselves develop those means.

Prudence:  Habit of choosing right means to achieve worthy ends - in self direction, relationships, behaviors, in public matters. Includes the ability to execute effectively.  Wisdom.  Use of reasoning, ability to value, ability to predict effectively, using circumspection and proper caution.

Justice:  Habit of rendering the other his/her rights.  Cooperation, respect, fidelity, friendliness, gratitude

Temperance:  Habit of moderation in use of pleasurable things.  Frugality, chastity, modesty, dignity, good temper.  Humility, self-respect, good manners, proper dress

Fortitude:  Habit of restraining fear or moderation of rash behavior in the face of danger or difficulty.  Magnanimity, patience, perseverance.

See also Ben Franklin's Thirteen Virtues.   Look at what he did and the difficulty of it, in his book The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin.


Looking forward to the next numbing out, freeing up inhibitions through mindnumbing substances, hanging out with old high school friends regardless of ...,
just learning through life, with TV a major part of my life, not bothering to know more about how to improve my relationships nor how to really benefit my kids alot more (just let it be, they'll learn as part of life [but not much!]), cheering for my heroes as it gives me a feeling of power (rather than actually having personal power), waiting for the next stimulation
(Pokeyman), living in the drift of life and the culture..

This is not from a viewpoint of prejudice, but from observations of how this doesn't work, though many people think it does.  But if they knew the potential of life, they would see that they are blowing so much of it, flushing part of this invaluable, precious life down the drain and "killing time".

Benjamin Franklin:  "Dost thou love life?  Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."
See the box called Meaning Of Life in Philosophy Contents/Links.

My version of this: What The Valuable Happy Life Looks Like For Me - My Picture Of The Future.

The Checklist For A Happy Life

What Composes A Great, Happy Life - Overview And What To Do To Achieve It.

Must Learn How Things Work To Achieve Competence - Without Life Competence, You Can't Be Happy - You don't have to know everything or be the best, but you should be thoroughly grounded in what works - and be competent in what matters.