High blood pressure rips and tears the blood vessels and then further drives the artery clogging materials into the tears, causing atheriosclerosis - and if you don't control it, then...

From Heart Disease: "Atherosclerosis is caused by oxidized LDL particles penetrating the arterial wall, inciting inflammation, and damaging the arterial tissue."

Only acceptable goal:  120/80

Do all of these until you achieve the goal!

__ If blood pressure tends to rise or you "feel" it, measure it several times a day and when feel a certain way.  Immediately drink water, breathe deeply and slowly. (Have your own monitor!) Record it for several days.  Seek medical help if it stays above 130/90.

__ Drink glass (quart?) of water upon arising, to restore hydration and reduce thickness of the blood!

__ Lots of fiber, as it catches and removes much of what could clog you.  From vegetables, fruits, grains (caution on grains), and fiber supplements. 32+ grams/day. See Fiber - Cleaned Out And Healthy.

__ Drink water plentifully, in large doses, during the day, at least 64 oz. (8 cups). (Use site search engine: Drink This Much Water Daily.) 

__ Omega 3 oil (3 grams, most likely; fish, avocadosm supplements) See Fatty Acids - Good, Bad, And How It Works.

__ No transfats, processed fats (hydrogenated) at all.  See Fatty Acids.

__ Adequate, sound sleep, for adequate repair.

__ Naps to refresh, restore, and repair

__ Take breaks every 30 minutes. (The One-Minute Break.)

__ Full exercise routine, 30 minutes of movement minimum per day, every day.

__ Increasing "steps" to 10,000 per day.

__ Not sitting too long, as blood pools and clots in 20+ minutes or even less.

__ No blood sugar spiking, as it creates shards of glass-like spears going through the blood and throws off body functions and creates fat. (Blood sugar must be under control, as high blood sugar wreaks havoc to the body and the heart.)

__ Have a BMI of less than 25, preferably about 22-23. (Varies.)  Must reduce pressure on the organs and heart.  (See Checklist For Weight Loss.)

__ Good probiotic levels.  (Good gut microbes capture toxins...)

__ Keep HDL above 60.  See section "Increase HDL Substantially" in Heart Disease Discussion page.

__ Avoid stress, calm down immediately asap, breathing, relaxing muscles, exercising, movement, walking...

__ Sun and outdoor air

__ Vitamin K supplementation (See Heart Disease.)

__ One to two baby aspirin a day (See doctor first, to get the ok.)

Read and know:

Heart Disease - An Option We Constantly Seem To Choose! - Amazing that we do that!

And follow the links on the site related to the heart.