Forget the miracles!  They are not needed if you do the simple basics!

Also, realize that exercising your abdomen to get a slim belly doesn't work.  There are no muscles in that big sheet of fat blobs.


Evolutionarily, we evolved to store rare food away for a time of famine.  In other words, those who had the inclination or gene or combination of genes to see that eating as much as we could when food was plentiful might save us from starvation later. 

After the human body has incurred damage and/or depleted resources as a result of the stress response, those who survived well had a body system that repaired itself for greater survival later. 

So, in the stress reaction, after we have run from the tiger and used up our resources (in caveman days), cortisol would begin "restocking the shelves", replenishing energy stores that were depleted by the action of epinephrine.  "It converts protein into glycogen and begins the process of storing fat." "Cortisol amasses a surplus fuel supply around the abdomen in the form of belly fat." (John J. Ratey, MD., including the following quotes) 

But this mostly happens when the stress continues or is chronic AND we haven't burned off the stress quickly, where we haven't recovered from the damage done.  "Unrelenting cortisol also explains why so many marathon runners carry a slight paunch despite all their training - their bodies never get a chance to adequately recover." 

"The problem with our inherited stress response is that it mobilized energy stores that don't get used."


So, to avoid belly fat, we need to use up the energy stores so that it doesn't accumulate in the first place.

Every time you feel stress,

  1.  Stop it asap.
  2.  Work it off asap:.  Run, exercise

Every time you feel a craving for comfort food, exercise instead, as a better (substitute) way for feeling better.  This could be a full workout, especially if there is some stress buildup.  Or it could be an "energizer" break, where you move enough to feel a slight flush and/or more energy, moving legs up at a minimum and touching knees with your opposite hand of elbow 100 times.   You should be doing this every 90 minutes anyway, for a good "break" and energizer for the next 90 minute block of time. 

If our metabolism is working properly (i.e. we are in a high functioning state of balance), we will tend to burn off belly fat.  But if we are stressed, and don't stop it or burn off the excess before it goes into storage, we will not gain ground.

If you are losing weight, a good portion of it can come from belly fat, as it is converted into energy to supply part of the shortage of calories (glucose) needed to function.


Visceral fat surrounds organs and an excess is linked to type 2 diabetes.  Toxins are stored in this type of fat and hormones are emitted from it.  It also is a risk factor for bone loss.  As WebMD says "But the fat doesn't just sit there.  I makes 'lots of nasty substances'."


Since you can only partially target the belly fat with regard to loss, you'll have to lose weight all over to lose it.  And then the trick is to avoid the reaccumulation of it, through being an expert at stress reduction and through burning off the potentiall accumulation right away after the stress or during it with immediate exercise.  (If you feel stressed, exercise will cure that pretty quickly.)

Keep carbohydrates below 50 gms until weight loss is accomplished.  Drop starches, sugars, and all refined carbohydrates - and grains.  No fruit juices (high in sugar!)  No transfats and no hydrogenated fats.

Move the fat along, drinking lots of water and engaging in lots of body movement.
Eat high fiber foods.

Eat a higher protein diet.

Essential fatty acids -  almonds, avocados.
Saturated fats are ok and help control hunger
Lean meats
Green vegetables
Foods rich in calcium (kale, sesame seeds)
No white foods (refined, processed carbohydrates)
No sugar (especially no fructose corn syrup)

Sleep a full eight hours.

See the link for easy weight loss in the page QuikView On Health: Physical, Stress, Weight.  

And Dr. Oz: The Best Diet For Your Body Dilemmas.