If there is an "effect", with no physical cause or a series of skipped steps to cause something, is that a miracle or a pile of ...?  The short version And Then A Miracle Happens!...Wanna Bet?


c = cause, e = effect, which then becomes the cause of the next effect - and then it continues on and on....  Note that a result is an effect.  The final result is an "end-effect" (like a desired product finished at the end of a production line of steps).

    c → e → e→ e→ e→ e→ e→ e→ e→e →e →e → e→ e→e →

IRREALITY = anytime you violate the law of cause and effect (Many versions!)

The problem: if you violate the laws in any way, the result is in jeopardy and/or you won't find the solution to getting a result you want!!!!!

Skips, leaps, magic (And Then A Miracle Happens!...Wanna Bet?)

      c →  e  →  skip steps → e →  end result
     Solution: insert missing steps.

"No start" of the chain (or the start is unseen or ignored)

                              → e→ e→  end result
         Initial cause(s)

      Solution: think backward on the chain until you've inserted the cause(s).

Not seeing the end part of the chain

  c → e→ e→   (not seen)

(The "not seen" is often "explained" by something that is held as "the truth"....  So the proper resolution is displaced and never achieved.)

Not completing the steps in the chain

One of the dumbest things us humans do more often than we realize is to intend to get a result and then start on getting it and then quit before we get it - so we will have incurred some costs but with no benefit! 

c → e → stop → "nothingness" 

Take your pick:

Which do you think will produce the best results?

Example: I will be happy if I make another $1 million, where the end goal becomes the money (which is "the means to" get to a particular end result(s). 

Also, there are missing steps from the $ to the "happiness" end result expected:  I'll be free, I'll have no pressures or anxieties, I'll have a nicer house which will cause me to feel good about myself and impress my friends.  And so on. 

In this case, we might also look at the possible beginning cause, such as hypothetically "I could only get attention, which meant love to me, from my Dad if I was powerful." 

Each of the items must always have an "is this true?", "does this make logical sense?", and/or "how much value is it actually?"  The purpose of any chain is to get the maximum value one can for the time (and/or money) spent, as compared to any other causal chain I can start.

Some of the chains will be simple, some moderately complex, and some very complex.  Obviously the "very complex" chain will take more effort, research, learning, etc to "solve".  But if the potential result of solving that level of a chain is highly valuable, then it is worth engaging in the process.

"You will do a lot better in life if you align with reality."  The BuddhaKahuna
"In the battle against reality, reality always wins."
"We (or someone else) make up stuff and then we believe it.  If we do not want to be a belief fool, we should at first verify each belief to see if it is actually true.  It does take a little more thinking, but it saves a lot of trouble and time later on!"


Although I have made this point elsewhere, this is an attempt to nail down the effective use of the causal chain overview process - so that you realize the value of using it and then actually use it to improve your life and the lives of those around you. 

Everything in the physical universe (and there is no other real universe) operates from physical phenomena, where everything continues in the same path until acted upon by another force.  Often we call them by the more general name "causes" and what they cause is what we call "effects."  (I know this is super simplistic, but I need to use it to lay the foundation and construct the full model, so stay with me, please.) 

In some growth seminars, they use the saying "would you rather be the effect or be the cause in your life."  Though that is in the "concept" realm, it is actually true.  If we don't choose what we want in our life and then cause it to come about, it is extremely unlikely that what we desire will come about.  If we don't cause it, then we are subject to whatever happens (or to other people's directions), often being very passive about it and not taking control.  That is not smart

A point that could be made around that is that we have failed to "connect the dots" or to see the reality of the causal chain:  that there is no effect without a cause.  

Somehow, mostly out of neglect to think, we leave room for a gap in the chain that is something like "something will happen to make it ok" - we just don't think deeply about it, so the effect of thinking that way will cause us to live in an unreal world that is unlikely to be successful in the real world.  (This is discussed also in And Then A Miracle Happens!...Wanna Bet?)

Looking more backwards along the chain, we can notice that we have left the first part of the chain out of sight, so that we attempt to solve problems in the middle of the chain - which is not nearly as effective as solving them as early in the chain as possible.  In other words, for instance, in medicine we can take acid reflux medicine to handle the symptoms or we could cure the cause instead.  (I don't need to tell you which approach the doctors mostly take...)

Each and everything  occurs in cause and effect manner, not skipping over any part of the process - each step must be included, as we can't "skip over them" in some miraculous leap (despite what some seminars suggest - those will only work if they devise a better path, which is, of course, a series of steps).

It is simple.

The chain looks like this, where every effect is from a preceding cause and every cause is from a preceding effect (which has then become a cause of the next cause).

    c → e → e→ e→ e→ e→ e→ e→ e→e →e →e → e→ e→e →  Success

And not

      c → e → e→ e→ e→ e→ e→ e→ e→e      skip steps    →e →  Voila! Success!

We insert things like "God did it", "the spirit did it", "it was serendipity", or "my inner child did it" or something else that is a giant leap over the reality of what caused what - and these things provide an unrealistic gap, the giant leap that magically was the cause. 


In business, and in anything that involves having to be effective (to get the results you want), there are success methods (similar in a sense to a pilot's preflight checklist) that lay out the all the steps to getting a result.  These are called overall "systems", which also take the form of a procedure laying out the steps or a checklist reminding us of all that is needed.  If we do anything in life, we have a procedure (a way of doing something) - it is either implicit and not noticed and just in our minds or it is explicit, noticed and followed and thought through.  The implicit one might be correct, but it is less likely to be correct since it does not require the same "thinking through" and double checking and testing that an explicit well-working procedure includes.   (Of course, people seem to delude themselves into thinking things like, well, that is such a pain in the rear or too hard or "not me" as a reason not to look explicitly at important procedures that could improve people's live.)

An example of a "procedure" (a guide to how to proceed) is the complex (many part) combination megaprocedure of having an effective schedule to follow:  The Pre-Set Super-Committed Schedule For The Day, For An Always Powerful Day!  Not Optional!.  Before this I often let big pieces of the day go to waste, didn't feel as good as often, and was only partially successful. 


Failure to see and/or design the causal chain well results in fewer successes.

Failure to see that a person will have a better life by systematic learning programs than by "learning from experience just from living life" (a super untruth) will result in a lesser life.

Failure to cure the cause will cause someone to have to repeatedly deal with the symptoms.  (People tend to unsmartly focus on just curing the symptoms!)

Failure to see the rest of the chain going forward can result in being off target and/or getting the wrong result.  ("Money will make me happy" is stopping too early in the chain, plus the rest of the pieces in the potential chain will tend to not be tested and/or improved.)

Expecting to be recognized as a great singer somehow by luck or being found, via serendipity, has caused much lack of success (and misery).  (There were unseen gaps in the chain and a failure to look forward far enough.)

Failure to look at the earlier parts of the chain has us starting in the middle, where we assume things like "that's just the way humans are" or "anger must happen in that case" causes us to miss solutions we can find by going earlier into the chain to understand the human thought process and motivation and even (way back on most chains) the reason why all of this evolved: survival.  We believe that our feeling are "the cause" and that we are victims of them - but we fail to see that we misinterpret them, hold them (falsely) as demands with a power over the person.

If we understand that light is just caused by our flicking a switch and fail to understand the early parts of the chain, when the lights don't work we'll be stuck with trying to repair the switch...instead of looking to see if a fuse is flipped or off. Similarly, we fail to solve psychological problems because we fail to deal with the whole chain.

"God will save me" is similar.  God might save you, possibly, or not.  There is a reason why people say and use a more chain:  "Trust in God, but start rowing toward the shore" or "God helps those that help themselves."  The latter is at least a more complete chain, as helping oneself will tend to create the desired results much more often than leaving it out.  Trying to manifest something directly from thought via The Law Of Attraction is an "extreme unworkable".

If you note the causal chain in terms of feeling good and being productive during the day, you can also figure out how and when to intervene to keep up the momentum and not experience so many or as deep a drop.  and your life will be and feel alot beter.

In education, it is true that often one thing builds on another, in a sequence.  If you do not understand a particular concept, you might not be able to understand a later concept, which is what caused Salman Khan to tutor his niece. See The Learning Gap - Trying To Wish It Away Or Not Even Seeing It.

Go from here

To pop into the sequence:

Problem Solving, Decision Making, Creating Change - Contents, Links  

Or go back to:

Cause And Effect - A Key Principle Behind Having Personal Power

Or further back to:

The Elementary "Physics Of Life" - To Be Life-Successful, You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist, But You Do Have To Know Very Elementary Physics

Or start doing your learning this way

Get onto the right path and dramatically upgrade your life path:

Learn sequentially in a "build", using Effective Learning techniques.

Success is a result of...

Success is a result of a complete chain of events.

True, luck happens, but it is not something to be dependent on happening.

If we hold ourselves as if we are dependent on other people, we make ourselves dependent on their doing something for us, so we are leaving the chain up to something outside of our control!  Not good!


It is best to "cure" the chain as early as possible to get the best results. 

Curing symptoms is an "incompletion", doomed to probably having to cure the symptoms over and over again, not to mention the extra damage along the way.


Of course, do the most impactful chains first.

Verify that the chain is valid, fact-based, and logical! 

Identify the cause, not just the symptoms.