Best for lists of any sort, including to dos.
On iPad, iPhone, PC - All sync
Difficult to move a line on iDevices. Workable.
Instructions/notes to myself:
Keyboard shortcuts - Control+ ?
Moving a line on ipad (hardest)
Come from another line (otherwise you'll just get a flashing cursor).
Press quickly slightly to right of the line and the line should come up with a "box" of sort, then just drag and drop.
- Sometime the "open" dialogue box will come up (with it attached to the line item one below it!)- go away and come back
To indent (or to "unindent") a line
Click on it to get cursor in the line, arrows will appear at top of screen, click the direction you want to go
To bold, underline, cut, copy paste a word or line
Just tap line and select from menu
Delete a line
Delete the wording, then backspace delete - but sometimes it just leaves the dot right there
Trying to write a line in capital letters
Hitting "Return" - Can cross out an item, instead of give me the next line
Adding a line
Hit + symbol all the way down at the bottom
If in a long list (inconvenient and adds item at the bottom, so you've got to move it.
Add note - hover over item, select
Add tag - #no space or @nospace (can add 2 per) -search using the symbol with it, of course