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Deepak Chopra has contributed immensely to the lives of others.  Much of his work is similar, though it looks different, to the wisdom of the ages.

However, what is often called "the wisdom of the ages" is not always only composed of what is true, but it has a bit that people made up to feel the gaps with "explanations" that do not stand the test of reality and truth - though they argue that it is true, without sufficient evidence or proof, based on their faith in it.

It is like the process of putting together a sequence of steps which occur one after (or before) another to produce an ultimate result.  Some people can't identify each of the steps (which may not be identifiable), so they make up what occurs during that step, in what I would call "and then magic happens" to create the next result (step) in the chain.   

To really harness Chopra's work (or Wayne Dyers or other great spiritual gurus), one first has to develop some perspective on what is true and what is made up.  You should know the concepts of how we attribute intention to inanimate (not conscious) objects and how we make up beliefs and then make them the truth by reading The Believing Brain Summary page at least. 

Once you can separate out what is not reality from what is reality, then you can harvest what is reality and then see what else is left as possibly useful metaphors, where one recognizes that the usefulness does not mean it is true. 

Deepak has my highest respect and appreciation, though it might seem disrespectful to question some facts and ideas it is meant only with respect for him and ultimately for you as I believe that you can operate better in life based on reality.   Those things that are arguable and not proven I have no quarrel with, as some could be true even if not proven - but how can we tell which could be.

And, no, "quantum physics" will not manifest something strictly from mental intention, as even Jack Canfield, though a part of The Secret, acknowledges - you've got to do something or it won't happen.  We can't go from "unmanifest" to "manifest" without going through at least some intermediate steps.  The strange, sometimes mystical, terminology Deepak and other spiritual gurus use need not through us off from harvesting what we can from the teachings.


I'll be sorting through his books again, to recommend which to read.  And, to some extent, I may explain how one mystical thing might actually occur in another way - and how it doesn't matter that mystical ideas are used by the gurus, if we "convert" them to a reality-type explanation.   (I discuss this in this page and some of the links into other questions, such as What Is "Spiritual":  Religion - Structured Frameworks And Delivery Of Beliefs.   And How Could You Have The Effrontery To Question The Experts?!!!! - The Buddha, Deepak Chopra, Dyer, Etc. And Etc.)


When I first heard him speak, I was spell bound.  So spiritual and so wise and such great vocabulary, much strange sounding but quite intelligent looking.  But somehow I had trouble sorting what he said down into reality and applying it to life.  I also have similar experiences with his books.

Later, as I studied and studied philosophies and life, more and more I began to look at sifting out the great value from the hypothetical "theories" presented as facts.  And in doing that I could cull out the valuable for use.  My writings on Deepak Chopra may thus include explaining ways that you might alternatively understand what he is writing, culling out some of the mystical or nonsensical, and identifying what to use. 

"Such effrontery and vanity!", some might say.  But no, it is not at all about me, but about using reasoning, logic and thinking to apply the scientific method to determine what works the best for your life.  Of course, I could be wrong, so it is up to you to follow the logic and the facts and to validate what you see as truth.  Read How Could You Have The Effrontery To Question The Experts?!!!! - The Buddha, Deepak Chopra, Dyer, Etc. And Etc.  



We let ourselves go into "biological chaos", caused by adrenaline, cortisol and many other things we create that have effects that are undesired.

We live also in "psychological chaos", where we bombard ourselves with bad news, violence, watching things that conflict with our higher beliefs, where we keep ourselves too busy...

We live in "cultural chaos", where we reinforce the chase and put out what things we shouldn't be happy about.  Where we have alot of performance anxiety and peer pressure.  (Which we need to learn to rise above.)

The key is to always "stay grounded" (and return to it when we are "off").  [There is no power from an ungrounded person.]
    The power of intention
     Inner calm
     lightness of being
     [pause and pace]

He is not concerned about outcome.

Such a grounded person lives in a "state of grace".

Self-referral success
  not looking for help from o/s
  still able to generate love

Life is an integrated whole of
     rel., love
     higher consciousness - intention, imagination, creativity --> enlightenment

Daily commitment
  joyful energetic body
  Clear mind
  Must move

move      food
                           healthy emotion (no time for resentment, anger, fear)
water      sleep

Plant based , nontoxic - no manufatured, antibiotics, petroleum products - messes up biological balance

Reactions are always ego-based -
   Observe your reaction to react - observe bodily response.
   Press pause button
   Proceed with love, compassion, understandng

    who am I
    what is it I want
        First we want physical, ego, approval, then love, rel. then peaceful, centered
            meaningful (such as contribution), the enlightenment
    what is my purpose (aligned with what I want, of course)
         what am I here for?

  Purpose:  enlightenment

  desire --> fulfill, but if get heart attack...
          effortless spontaneity [easily misunderstood]
      infinite being manifesting the universe [really!?]

   when suffering comes
        of what it is
        attributing a purpose to it [believing brain], intention

Overwork - epidemic of our time
   1st how health is
         Doesn't matter if I don't get what I don't get done
   it is the attitude

why do you want what yu want?
   Do you really want it?

Aliggnment of laws of nture

                   local - resistance          non-local (free)
State of flow:
   Rest in being, existence
   ananda joy
Nobody can say I don't have these (even baby has them)

"universe is helping you choose a better path" - not literally true

"we are not taught to stay in that space"

[It is synchornious w/ my work (kg)      , in harmony though different]

' only way to achieve  is a long hard road" - disputes

ideas cropping up not noticed before! (makes life easier)
   you're living awareness
        release suff from old beliefs, limitation

geat "mystical phrases...

Resources gathered

I intend, to the extent I think it useful, to have a page for each of the great teachers that have value that you can utilize.

In Resources For Success, I list the great teachers, mostly ones in the practical realm, though they had spiritual elements in terms of character and personal emotional balance. 

The Philosophical Disciplines - Practical Harvesting And Application Of The Very Best 

A few of the spiritual or philosophical leaders are also linked to from
Detailed Contents, Links - Philosophy Section, such as Ruiz and Ayn Rand. 

Resources For Wisdom - Altering Your Life Forever Through Your Understanding Of It All - I'll also link from this page to some individual pages with book recommendations.  I would strongly recommend that you read each of the (cherry-picked and limited in number) books.


There is one short (10 minutes) and one long video of Sam Harris (rationalist, philosopher) and Michael Shermer debating Deepak and Jean Houston on the page called And Then A Miracle Happens.. Wanna Bet?  See if you can avoid your personal prejudices and ask what is factual and what is made up and/or not provable but presented as if it is the truth.