(This is a "working" design/idea page, where I begin to grow ideas and then transfer to other pages to grow more. I recognize that much of this may not go anywhere, but if I can create effective leverage much better than I do right now, there is the possibility that I could set up something that would thrive over the long term... If you are interested in helping further an idea or have ideas and contributions, please email me. Of if you know of someone or some organization that is very good in this area, let me know. Contact.)
The problem: Suffering in poverty, perhaps no home, plus being
Stuck in place, inadequate education, no direction to go, no hope so stuck in s.t. "hits" or
Barriers: We accumulate people who are dependent if we are not careful - and then that multiplies into self perpetuating poverty and a culture that goes downhill
Neighborhood Improvement Associations - Neighbors pulling together - Oprah adopted a neighborhood?
Paint, fix up supplies and tools
Education center
The Life Improvement Center For Those Who Want To Live Better Lives (Including contributing to the world)
The education center - established protocols for videos etc to watch toward a program
Get certificates for doing a course, with a master transcript record, quiz of sorts ala Khan
Life values
Social skills
Personal financial effectiveness
Health, applied skills
Credits to get other services?
Shelter - you stay, you help, you maintain - specified duties for the day
You protect each other - protecting together - a safe place for us all generously provided by others
Welfare office section - Opening to the outside perimeter
A director
Acquire a legal debt? As if using a "credit card" on the future?
Credits from government for taking people off of welfare. This would also be a tracked statistic.
Directed into jobs that have a future, given all the actual inevitable changes due to technology
"Efficient living neighborhoods"
Smaller spaces, multiple use, also helping neighbors and repairs themselves
Homes are built for superefficiency small economic spaces
People just don't know enough to help themselves get out of the poverty and ignorance trap they are. They will only be able to change that path through intervention, through outside forces that are able to save the current problem (eating, shelter) and to help those people learn what it takes to create and sustain a life that works. (See The Law Of Inertia And Momentum.)
Charles Murray's book that takes and traces the self-perpetuating cultural paths that occur among the poor (not out of making them wrong, but just based on statistics and values) versus the self-growing cultural paths: Coming Apart: The State Of White America, 1960-2010.
Humans evolved to do and feel those things that would cause better survival. We're all the same, basically, except that some people have an advantage in terms of better circumstances and better knowledge of what works and is good in life. Those who don't have those are not "wrong" nor are they to be blamed for not knowing better - the enemy is the lack of knowledge (and training, etc.) - if we attack and solve that problem, the world and each of its people will be better off. An interesting possibility is that once we get to a certain "mass" in numbers of people who are thinking at this higher level, we could reach a "tipping point" where the process is self-perpetuating, where people are influencing people who are then influencing people who are then... in a geometrically growing circle that includes everyone, where no one escapes the influence and the effect... (The idea is to intervene, per this concept: Your Path Is Your Only Path Attainable... and also The Vicious, Self Perpetuating Cycle, And Converting To A Virtuous Cycle Or Else...