Before something is clear, it is full of unknowingness and vagueness, which often results in confusion.  (See Deconfusing Confusion.)   At times it is uncomfortable in other ways, as we are in a state where we are not making progress and can be impatient about our state of incompletion.  And then there are a number of mistakes, errors, and what people call failures - and we've been sucked in by the cultural beliefs about how bad those are, instead of realizing that they are a physical reality in the physical world.

In order to create a better life, we have to learn things and then apply them, or else, obviously, we are stuck with the existing, lesser life - except for a little bit of random learning that is entirely insufficient.

The very process of learning means you don't already know enough to do that which you want to learn to do. (Duh! Of course.)  So in the learning process you are by definition not yet capable of performing what you are learning without making mistakes as you progress.  Indeed, the old saying is that mistakes are a "learning opportunity", which would be a true statement from the point of view that they indicate that you have not yet learned!  (Read The Learning Curve - Like Gravity, It Is Best If You Honor It!)


To complicate the situation, there is so much psychology involved here because of the false beliefs triggering fear that we are prevented from doing that which is most beneficial to us - learning and doing creative thinking. 

Without being willing to accept vagueness and confusion and all that comes with it, we cannot make significant progress nor great breakthroughs in our productivity in life.  (See this piece for a definition: "Life Productivity" - Producing The Maximum Life In Your Life.)

So, as in any progression, we must remove and/or minimize the barriers and increase the incentives and motivation.  (See Motivation And Removing The Barriers.)  We need "net" forward energy that is sufficient to push us forward to getting the results we want in life - to have us be willing enough to go through the learning process!


One of the problems here is that we have false beliefs around what "should be", rather than accepting (or knowing) reality.  (See What Is Reality? Know What It Is Or Suffer From Irreality.)

Eventually, we want you to get to the point where you are clear that you either choose what is necessary to get results or you don't get the results you want.  Simple.

And to do that we have to get you past the fear of a believed-to-be-threat to your existence.   Sounds way out, doesn't it.  But if you understand evolution and traced the causal chain further back and further forward, you would be able to see how the primitive brain interprets all uncertainty as a threat to our being able to have the ability to survive.  (Part of this can be understood by reading The Story Of Our Happy And Our Unhappy Chemicals - A Tale Of The Mechanisms For Survival - and remember it is all mechanical!)

Part of the process of reducing fear lies in differentiating as to whether the threat of a loss is very minor (such that it doesn't really matter much and will not really affect our lives) and/or if it is serious enough to actually fear it.  (See Threats And "Fear" - Differentiating As To What Is A Real Threat.)

But even if you can tell the difference, your primitive brain might not catch that, so it is necessary to "Sufficient Psychological Certainty" (which in this case is a replacement "feeling"/thought displacing the uncertainty thought).


We need to allow ourselves to go through the vagueness and uncertainty in order to arrive at Sufficient Knowing - and we have to know that it is ok and safe to go through what is necessary to get to that point - if we don't, our life is screwed!  We must have sufficient "life competence" or we cannot possibly be happy.  We must know that it is not our fault, nor something to be blamed for, that we are at "insufficient knowing" - this is a "must know", so see the link above and do not stop until you completely understand and accept the reality - and the "okness" of it.   (Read Must Learn How Things Work To Achieve Competence - Without Life Competence, You Can't Be Happy!)

In devising strategies, possible routes to go, new ways of doing things, making decisions without all of the information, we must be able to keep thinking without the brain being shut down by fear or the association of pain with confusion, uncertainty, vagueness.  

We must go through vagueness, confusion, uncertainty to get to the other side - on virtually anything significant or somewhat complex - but that is where the big payoffs are! 


Just as a child cannot learn to cope well with life if he isn't left to cope with difficult circumstances in his/her life, you will not learn how to "think" really well, to create and/or solve problems, if you don't have to "solve" how to think by stretching yourself to think in the face of vagueness. 

The guys who make millions of dollars a year don't get it for nefarious schemes but for being able to make decisions, most often without knowing all the facts and/or having some vagueness.  Life has many pieces where there aren't certainties or clear facts, but we still must move forward.  And, yes, we pretty well have it made in today's world because we will never have to go back to living by barely scraping by.