__ List on paper my key projects, goals, events (put into yearly planning sheet directly if you wish)
__ Refer to my "items to put into my years" checklist/optionslist (such as "two major vacations" - when I figure them out and schedule them into the calendar I treat them as any project, building in tasks from my project task list for a vacation, with lead times built in.
__ Sketch out the year, entering into the month the major item and the estimated hours (or
   days) required - I use the paper forms for year-by-month overview page and the two
   month block page (linked from Yearly Planning)
__ Enter all of this into Google Calendar, as part of The Schedule/Calendar For All Planning - Just Follow/Modify This.

These are "for" me, so you can see how I adapted to what will work for me.  However, I recommend that you use the experts and as many already pre-set systems and planners as you can - even if there is a cost, as you will save alot of time and errors.

Yearly Planning - Yearly planning in general, forms, etc.

My procedure for all my planning

See this, and then link to the pieces of the planning process:

Planning Calendar Procedure Checklist - Start Here!