(See, and follow, The Rules.)
Key principle: Stop storing fat and preventing the burning of fat: only way is to prevent high blood sugar and spikes. (Know the principle of human fat.)
Never go hungry, always feel good, not crave (not try to overcome man's functional laws)
Increase sleep to full night's rest (affects weight affecting hormones, big time!!!!) - affects functioning of body and energy and psychology (so feel better, which makes it easier to follow a regimen)
software program that lowers blue on
Lower stress and lower busyness...
High fiber (25 g women, 38g men, adjust for weight)
Never feel hungry
Very low carbs at first, no sugar or refined carbs, no alcohol, no coffee)
Lose quickly at first so gain momentum and keep
Burn fat
Lots of nuts, cheese, bacon egges, sausages,
sour cream, vegetable.
Lots of animal meats (preferalby grass-fed), Salmon 1+/week