All this stuff I write about and suggest that you do can often bring up one's misbeliefs, including some fears.

"Oh, I will have to be so disciplined and deprived of all that is comfortable and fun!!!"

Bullbleep.  Your life will be easier and better with less effort if you do what I've studied and now suggest!  And you'll have more fun and feel better about it!

"Oh, I just can't give these up.  I need them!"

Again, bullbleep (on most of them).  If you would lend any thought to them, you might see that you do not "need" them and/or that they are not helping you to feel better.

"But this is what life is about!  Relaxing, kicking back, having a drink, watching tv, and great junk food..."

Really?  Maybe it might be useful to look at those beliefs and how you value each of them and whether you might eliminate them for something better to have a better life. (Or you might answer Dr. Phil's question:  So, how's that workin' for ya?)

Remember, according to a corollary of Parkinson's Law:   If you fill the space (or your time) up with crappola first, there will be little room left for the high value stuff.   And you might not notice it, but your life will largely suck.  (Or something like that...)

Unfortunately, I've thought this way myself in the past...

"Life will be so bland if I don't get to drink [6-8/day] Cherry Diet Coke!   Plus it gives me an energy boost!"  (It is a PokeyMan behavior, hurting my energy from the up and down spiking and misusing the body's signal of sweetness that caused the caveman to store energy for famines.  The 100 times acid rating helped leach my bones to balance out my pH.  Etc. and etc.  [I do not drink any colas now.])

"I have to watch ______ program.  I want to see what happens!"  (Imagine living a false alternative-life of drama, dysfunctionality, murder, etc.  Can't I make a better life myself????)

"I really look forward to eating later tonight some Cherry Garcia ice cream."  (Which I couldn't stop, until the bottom of the pint.)  (I don't eat any at all now, but it was a major "blower of energy" as it killed the rest of my evening.  Though I felt better for the twenty minute remaining high after finishing it, I then dropped rather quickly into a bloblike state, doing a non-activity such as getting sucked into the TV.  [Oh, and I canceled my TV subscription nowadays! And I never have ice cream any more - and somehow life seems better for it...])

Not from me, but common:

"I must have two cocktails to unwind at night and enjoy the evening!"  (Wanna bet!  You cannot be alert enough to actually be aware of much and enjoy much in life while not being fully alive!  You will simply be numbed, half out of it, living the PokeyMan life.
There are much better ways to "unwind" and relax - ways that leave you alert and able to fully enjoy the evening and to do something of high value to you!  Check out Relaxation - "It All Ties Together, For Health And Happiness" - and the various links.  Use the simple breathing and relaxing protocols and the rejuvenation days, plus good daily management of energy!  Use, after a nap, the Instant Energy From Something Good!  And stop doing what makes you so uptight!)  


Filling up your life first with

1.  Sweets and junk food (throwing your body into chaos and malfunctioning and your psyche into anxiety and mood swings and your energy up and then down to where you feel like crap).

2.  TV watching, throwing you into a mild depressive state within a half hour, filling your mind with nonsense and nonreality (or political opinion shows ultimately of no relevance to my life at all).   Especially when I could read something worthwhile or socialize...

3.  Staying up late, in the el blobbo, PokeyMan state of being (and feeling tired the next day, thereby ruining the day and one's productivity, plus causing one to eat more because of the hormone fluctuations caused by lack of sufficient sleep).

4.  Drinking with your buddies, going el blotto for the evening, making exceedingly inane conversation (and thinking you are smart, brilliant, funny, making sense, cool, etc.!).

5.  Computer games and/or surfing (zoning out, getting random stimuli to your PokeyMan state of being.

Eliminating just those would make a considerable difference in anyone's life.  And then  inserting, by thinking, some activities you get a bigger payoff from will further add to the drastic improvement in one's life!  (Here's what I did, as an example: My Low And High Payoff Activities - And Reallocating My Time To The Higher Ones.)

[Seriously, tally up the hours you waste in all of these - and imagine how that much time could be used to dramatically upgrade your life and happiness!!!!  The average person blows about 25 to 40 hours per week on this - what a human tragedy!]


A simple thing to do:  Each week plan your evenings ahead, inserting what you'd really like to do and what you really value. 

And then read the book (inexpensive) that I've written called The Quickest Route To High "Life Productivity" From Wherever You Are Now - Getting The Most "Life Value" Out Of Life - link to it from Books, Booklets, Special Summaries.


Your input of what you've thought would be much appreciated so that I can provide more examples for people.  (It would be anonymous, unless you requested otherwise.)

I'd also very much appreciate any stories about what you've done to upgrade your life!

Contact page

An example of "upgrading"

My Low And High Payoff Activities - And Reallocating My Time To The Higher Ones

The same type of thinking

The Reasons Why Not To Learn Life On Purpose - Excuses Or Legitimate?

What you get with indiscrimate choices

PokeyMan (aka "El Blobbo") - To What Degree Is This True Of You?  

Groundhog Day - Living the same day over and over and over and over...

Excerpt to pay attention to

Check out Relaxation - "It All Ties Together, For Health And Happiness" - and the various links.  Use the simple breathing and relaxing protocols and the rejuvenation days, plus good daily management of energy!  Use, after a nap, the Instant Energy From Something Good!  And stop doing what makes you so uptight!) 

Why be on the blog email list?  Why follow this blog? - Here are the benefits (and the link).  Read it.  This could be one of your best moves.

Read my "life productivity" book

The Quickest Route To High "Life Productivity" From Wherever You Are Now - Getting The Most "Life Value" Out Of Life - link to it from Books, Booklets, Special Summaries.