In order to be able to live a particular way of living, we must define and "see" what that lifestyle "looks like" in sufficient detail to be able to begin to create it.
No "process" of getting a result is complete without all the pieces in the process, without all the details necessary to do each step the right way. That is the reality of life.
Since it is hard for people to visualize such a life of life learning and since people think that it is hard to do, I must fill in the details of how that life looks, but also have you see that it is actually the easier (and best) way of living.
From the birds-eye-view, it looks like devoting at least 5 hours a week to learning and implementing the learning into one's life. For some that may be spread out over the week in some way. For others it could all be first thing Saturday morning. Or some combo of them.
And each hour of learning is pre-scheduled, totally committed to without interruption (except for true, very infrequent emergencies).
The answer to where you start on this process lies in the dual, parallel approach that tends to fall into place.
There first is the pressure of pressing problems that are getting in the way of life. We address those by starting with a few hours of listing all of our problems in every area, especially in the emotional areas (and their underlying causal beliefs). Then, as is applicable to any such listing, we put them in order of the impact (sometimes the urgency overrides the impact) that these have on our lives. We might not rate each of them by impact (on a scale of, say, 1 to 10, 10 being highest, but we would at least put the top 20 in order in the list. Then we work down the list, finishing up the top one at a "sufficient" level to get the new desired result. As we finish one, we just go to the next highest priority.
Yes, we do add in "problems" as we go, since in life we will notice problems that occur. And then we seek to solve them as soon as possible, if they are of a sufficient impact to prioritize them. Sometimes, we merely note in our journaol a particular "bad result" (something with a bad feeling about it), and then set it up to correct it, perhaps by addressing the underlying beliefs, using the process called Reconstructing Your Belief System Step By Step - Finishing "The Job", For Happiness, often follow the various forms provided.
So, while we inevitably work on solving current problems that come up, we engage in the learning and implementation process ("The Build"), so that we become more and more capable of knowing what to do and knowing how better to solve problems and make bettter decisions (choices).
The problem is then how to begin the learning process, so I've designed a piece-by-piece reading sequence to get you involved in it so that you become familiar with the pieces of the puzzle. As you learn, you will have the choice of going deeper (via the links) as needed AND you will actually implement the learning into actions that create results that better your life - you will not wait until "the end" to reap the results [the odd thing is that, as you climb the ladder, you will free yourself from problems or pieces of problems and also free up more time than the time it took for you to learn and implement the solutions!!!
Commit to following this path for a year (reaping many benefits as you go) and your life will be dramatically changed forever. (Even for three months...)
"Successful people are more concerned with pleasing results. Failures are more conerned with pleasing methods." So writes Brian Tracy in The 21 Success Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires summary article. While we are addressing "life" itself and not specifically money, we are seeking to be "millionaires" in terms of life.
The people who do not succeed see the methods to gain pleasing results as being too unpleasant. But they do not see what actually happens in the process: "once in motion with momentum the method will become pleasing", especially as you reap results along the way.
I will be, or already may have by the time you read this, tying it all together by closing the gap, inserting "the missing link" that is need to get from "here" to "there". "There" is "where we want to be".
Here <-- Gap --> There
We must insert the "gap-closer" into the gap. The missing link is the self control sufficient to get us to do those actions that will obtain the results in our "there".
Link to the Smart Self Control book (or some title with self control in it) from Books.