Similar to a pre-flight checklist for a pilot to take off well and have a successful, pleasant journey:
Read and integrate the concept of Launching and completing a successful flight for the day contained in A Morning Ritual - A Schematic System For Creating A Great Start To The Day.
How many of these shall I watch?
All of them, if you really want life success. (If you won't be likely to do that, pick a few, until you get the idea of this.)
From that, you'll then start by creating your own imperfect, smaller version of a ritual, one that works to "up" your day for you - then refine it later as you ascend the growth spiral.
If you only have time right now for a few, select a few, but schedule yourself to do the rest later.
In no case, ever, should you watch the videos without taking notes and making decisions that are written down and doing what it takes to follow up - if you don't do those you are caught in the rituals of wasting your life.
Stefan Pylarinos
"If you're not happy and fulfillled, then you're a failure." See the first 5 minutes of the second video above.
"Success without fulfillment is failure." Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
How Tony Robbins Starts Every Morning (1:57) - The ultimate, but just get the idea! Be clear that Robbins is not seeking "success" in achievements but in life first - and then he does the topping on cake of life.
Eben Pagan
Brian Tracy
Good Habits And Morning Rituals For Daily Success (4:52)
For a super-kick in the...
Those who succeed very well in life ALWAYS have an excellent morning ritual and a set routine. Those who don't might still be successful in one or two areas, but they will be nowhere close to where they could be, plus they would have done it the hard way!!!
Your mission here, should you decide to accept it, is to copy others and/or design your own, right now or over time (but while using one you've chosen to copy).
It is vital for you to launch the ritual as soon as possible, for it will launch your day successfully, which will launch your life into a great level of living.
It will make a huge difference in your life and is an essential piece to making life work very well.
Watch the videos in the bar to the right.
Use this perspective to change your life AND to implement an effective, life changing morning ritual.
Look at the morning ritual examples and the overall process and then copy or jump off of the examples right away.
Then you can refine them so that they wonderfully accelerate your progression in life more and more over time!
You will, of course, refer to a copy of your ritual/routine placed in the smaller version reminders notebook. Follow the "start here" in The Reminders Notebook master page.
Look at the linked pieces in the sidebar and copy/refinefrom them.
Although I've decided to do the detailed version on another page, I'm providing just a few examples here of what might be included.
You would have a daily reading about like and who you are to be in this day.
You would look at "your why in life", your mission.
You might "set your intentions" for what you want to create this day. "This is who I will be today." "This is how I will be today: ." "This is what I will achieve today: " (Setting intentions for the day is highly recommended!)
You might ask the "morning power questions", of which there are many versions, though I think it started with Tony Robbins.
A great daily planning question is "What has to happen in order for me to have a great day?"
Read, listen, or watch something empowering or inspiring.
You would plan your day.
A declaration is a possible power tool: "I am the power. It is not out there, it is not in the circumstances or other people. I am the one who has the power over my life."
Begin to compile this and put them behind the tab for "Morning Ritual" (in the small version of The Reminders Notebook.