Life quality can be increased ten-fold-plus by your use of the site's systematic, step by step approach. No miracles needed, as we can accomplish this in the "real world".
having a spiritual experience"
Meaning and value(s): Yes, humans are (bio)mechanical, but they can, uniquely, create meaning and value - which, together with life productivity methods, is what creates the actual value that makes one's life "value-able".
What you value influences the experienced valuable, but there are many "faux" values and many undervalued
values that will alter your life in reality.
Understand, first: We must understand (nature, body, brain, any system) in order to command; we must
Then how to work it ("understand, then command"), or you cannot possibly create a great life. (Use the
We then set up systems (and structures) to keep things working.
Shortcuts, "universal knowledge" (the ethereal form), and/or outside mystical sources/forces do not work.
Problems: A problem is a gap between "what is" and what you think you want. You can solve any problem.
And there are very few real problems in life - but we do "make up" a lot of them!.
To solve a problem, lay out the cause and effect chain - Intervene as early in the chain as possible;
handling symptoms is of the least benefit, and it is best to "cure" the cause!
A problem isn't "negative" unless it is a "vital missing", as you can't "lose" because you don't "have"
something that is an optional addition to life. The vital can all be covered easily by any human.
The negative is often a "faux" interpretation base on the chemicals that (can) run our lives, based on
Incorrect assessments: Beliefs that are nonsense and cause harm
Criticism, fault, and expectations (the main one, methinks): .
There is no "fault", there is only sufficient knowing or not - and it all must occur in sequence
We were just mistaught and made wrong conclusions with limited knowledge
The path's momentum continues unless an outside knowledge ("force") intervenes or a new "view"
Fears and feelings and thoughts... There is virtually nothing to fear...and we also needlessly fear fear...
circumstance(s) determines your life.
Physical means can handle many emotions and moods(!) They are biochemical. They have no
imperatives in them.
Just maintaining the "core of your life" increases one's personal power dramatically and makes one virtually invulnerable.