One must identify what is of low or no payoff or is harmful. The payoff I am referring to here is "value", that which benefits you. These are always measured in value units.
While some of these are directly harmful, engaging in the ones that aren't harmful but are of low or no payoff are harming of life if you consider that they displace items that are easily of benefit. A no payoff item doesn't have zero value in full context, it has a negative value because I could have spent the time doing something of value - say, with 5 units of value - so the net cost of my no payoff items is actually 5 units.
An item that appears to just be a mistake with no net effect may actually incur a hidden cost. If one gets into a heated exchange about being right or about politics, but fails to convince the other, has actually incurred two extra costs that need to go into the net value computation. The relationship has been harmed, with, say, a negative value of 1 unit - not enough to drive the other person away, but such units, except for extraordinary people, tend to accumulate until they get to enough (critical) mass to have the other person alienated long term. Often the accumulated negative units in this one area get added to other area's accumulated negatives and pretty soon the camel's back is broken with just another straw.
Anyway the point here is to come up with a clear list of what I judge as the low, no, negative, or harmful payoff actions and activities that one can engage in. I included in the evaluation what are often "unintended consequences" and/or "unconsidered consequences".
Stop all of these! Tickle to review this list every week. Even 80% success will create huge impacts on your life and happiness and productivity.
These are the "FOR-SURE" LOSERS. Stop them right now. Free up huge amounts of time, physical energy, and emotional energy!