Just scan the boxes quickly and go to the discussion to understand how it all fits together and will work: 

                                 A                                                         B                                                             C



(From here we Descend To The 50,000 Foot View Of Life - Seeing Some More Detail.) 


Look at the boxes and focus on what is in them and the simplicity of it all.  We can, subject to the reality of physical limits of time and energy, create anything we want that is of value - and we have massive amounts of time available to do that, far more than is needed!  Because everything takes time, we must invest time and energy as soon as possible to create what will work for us - and to get off the launching pad and flying in life.   No fairy tale miracle will happen to give us what we want.  (What Is Reality?)

To fly in life, we need systems and procedures that operate to support us.  We will create those and they will make our lives work magnificently.


At birth, we are given all the necessary tools to be able to create all the necessary tools and means to get anything we want.  What we want is "value".  Something is valuable if it helps us to obtain more of what is valuable.  The ultimate value is happiness and satisfaction with life and what's in it.     

Of course, to get what we want, we must actually use the tools - it will not "be given unto you" by some rescuer, mysterious process or force or thinking it into existence.  


If we have not defined what is of value in life, we are unlikely to get much value out of life.  To "get something", we must have a clear target to shoot for - we must know what that "something" is that will produce value.  We must not leave this until "later", as we will be missing value as we go along the unclear path to an unclear destination.  We must do it now.  Right now! (The Values Upon Which I Will Run My Life, And Achieve True Happiness)

Ultimately, we want to produce as much "net" value as we can in life.  Net value is positive value minus negative value (stress, anxiety, self doubt, etc.).  A positive value in one area (say, making alot of money) can be offset and/or completely negated by negative values in other areas (neglect value of neglect of family/partner, unmanaged emotional life, unhappiness, stress, etc.).  Concentrating too much on one goal to the degree that the costs incurred in not getting more valuable pieces is the classic error.  The error shows up in stress and unhappiness - which are the feedback signs that say we are not properly using our time and effort to get what is of most value.  And if we do not immediately correct what is out of whack, we will spend too much time and leave too many barriers to be able to get down the road to where we want to go.  

Happiness equals a good level of 'maximization' of value.  The whole of life and your happiness is based on learning and applying Life Value Productivity - without doing that, you cannot achieve the highest values in life.  Thus this is something we want to apply as early as possible and at a high level of proficiency.  It will also give us the time to do the learning and devising that we need to do in order to have the knowledge and tools to improve our lives - thusly we need to set aside that time and dedicate it to that super-valuable producer of value.  


I do not prefer to speak from the negative, but it seems that this is useful with humans, as they are highly sensitive to threats of losing something, of not having what we want to survive at a "good enough" level (this "enough" point varies quite a bit with various individuals, and it is necessary to "retrain" people's viewpoints about "enough", as it will affect one's happiness - we want to avoid creating The Unhappiness Gap). Perhaps also this may make it clearer that you had better do this all well - very well - as the quality of your whole life depends on it!

If you look at the boxes, and squint, you can see that there is a sequence of steps that are necessary to get the value you want.  If you skip a step (or do it badly), you will impede your life.


Of course, it is all useless, or at least producing "less", if we do not know what to use our time to go get.  No clear values determination causes poor "getting" of value.  (Duh! Of course!  But people seem to ignore and/or bypass this necessary piece!).  So we need to do the vital process of determing what is of value and nailing it down in writing - along with a bit of learning to be able to properly discriminate as to what is of actual value (such as learning what The Happiness Creators are, as well as what the Unhappiness Creators are).


Once we know what we want to getthen we determine how best to get it.  

But, at first, we do not have the knowledge and skills to do so without error, mistakes, and "not succeeding"s (aka failures).   So, we need to seek feedback and use it to improve.

Of course, to do the feedback-improve process, we need to learn, as a "not succeeding" indication suggests that there is a missing knowing, we do not yet have "sufficient knowing".  If we implement the learning and feedback-improvement processes fully into our lives we will experience Living Life As A Life Champion, where we will be producing our maximum happiness and satisfaction in life.  If you don't do the process as rigorously as you can, you will not live the life that you can truly live - a life of unconditional, enduring happiness.  

One way that we get a clue that we know we need to upgrade and learn these is from noticing "feedback".  Quite simply, from noting what went wrong, so we can correct it to work better, plus noting what worked so that maybe we can use that to apply more of what is more effective.   

Without this, people repeat the same mistakes and experience the same problems over and over (because, duh, they didn't fix them earlier on!).  So, note whether you have ongoing problems that are not corrected - and you'll see a huge mistake we are making in life.  Never leave out the process of  1) getting and noticing feedback and 2) correcting what needs to be corrected - to improve life and make it much better..  If you do it asap, you will have fixed things so well that you will have super-few problems and zero big ones!  

When you stop doing things that are harmful, useless, or of lower value and insert only high value and necessary items, your life wil "miraculously" transform to a level previously thought to be unreachable. 


Worth pointing out separately is our tendency to keep operating based on incorrect beliefs - which is a huge, huge barrier to getting what we want.  

We must, of course, note what doesn't work - as it is the indicator that our belief about how things work is wrong. (Duh!)  

And then we must fix it asap.  

To do that we do need to do some learning.  

The big mistakes in life are 1) not doing sufficient learning to assure that we have a sound basis for beliefs AND 2) not correcting wrong beliefs (leaving them in place - can you imagine the insanity of that - but we all tend to do that, thinking it is the easy way out - but it actually make life hard, when the reality is that life is not hard!).   

But we must answer a probable question:  Are they correctable or should we just let ourselves go belly up and become the victims of them?  

It is absolutely true that anything learned or devised (such as beliefs) has individual pieces to it that can be corrected and re-learned and replaced.  

We have failed at this many times, so we wrongly conclude that we cannot succeed.  

But the problem was always that we did not use a complete strategy that is workable - or if we started on a good one, we stopped short of doing what is needed to complete it.  (Stopping short is a major cause of "not succeeding"!)  

The process of correcting beliefs will include learning what reality is first, so that we have a basis for learning how things work and then we can more easily and effectively identify the faulty little pieces of the faulty beliefs and correct the little pieces so that the overall belief will all fall into place with a workable sequence of pieces.  

The irony is that, as we correct the pieces of one faulty belief it tends to blow out the foundations of other faulty beliefs that are based on pieces that you've now corrected.  Correcting a few core beliefs will actually end up blowing out 10 to a 100 other false beliefs! 

Sometimes we may need to address this out of the normal sequence, as we need to give emergency treatment to some really debilitating beliefs.  Do so, if needed. 


Many people are too busy traveling fast down the freeway to note whether they are going in the right direction or not - or if there is a better way to go.  

People fail to set aside the time to take and gain perspective from which to decide what to do - which actualy would save massive amounts of time that are 100+ times the perspective time taken. 

A super mistake is thinking it "shouldn't take so much time", so people do not take enough time!  

They are also mistaken in believing that the time is lost, as if they are losing something (the benefit of using that time elsewhere for some pleasure or whatever), but the truth is that the time spent in gaining and using perspective produces a value so much greater than a one-for-one alternative activity)... Interestingly enough the time will not be missed at all if we use the right strategy.   


Those are the essential processes that must be engaged in as a prerequisite for attaining high value from life.  

High value in life cannot possibly be attained if you do not do these.   

Please do not allow yourself to slip into the sloth of life, subject to randomness, no direction, other people's demands, reactivity, non-strength, rear, anxiety, needless stress, etc. and etc.  (These are portrayed in the following related pieces.  "You will live Groundhog Day, experiencing the Life Of A Gradually Boiling Frog as you live in The Drift of lifeand become a PokeyMan (aka "El Blobbo"), waiting to be poked and stimulated, being the victim of life, becoming a blob at some level....) 


It would be a big mistake not to become an expert at the super-essential facilitator that make it all work.  Become really, really great at Life Value Productivity.  


The rest is all details...  so we now go down, after you've absorbed this, to the 50,000 Foot Level, to see what is next. (Hint: see the rightmost box - which might be called the "implementation box", as it is what is need to go from the clarity of where you want to go to actually getting to that level.  Oh, incidentally, did I mention that our goal is to get to a "level" that actually causes happiness and satisfaction - whether we get to "super-enlightenment" is simply optional, as we will be living at a great level of existence already!)

See Descending To The 50,000 Foot View Of Life - Seeing Some More Detail.


Determine values, knowledgeably   


    Designate clearly, in writing

Physical operating system 


Ability to think, create, learn

Ability to experience, value 

Psychological systems 
    Learn to manage


The Means 

    Manage self (CEO of your life)
       Plan - Where I am to where I want 
          to be
       Sequences, steps
        Acquire needed (learn)


    Develop the means (Learn, discover...)
    Feedback - get, evaluate
        Fix what is wrong (barriers, faulty 
            learning, etc.)


Acknowledge workability
Learn how it works and how to work it


Manage/use it well

    Direct to highest payoff

Plenty of time IF use it well


Create anything we want 

    We are not subject to mysterious or oppositional forces

    We can learn anything learnable to be able to do anything doable 

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