Although we think productivity is only related to work, it totally relates, instead, to ALL OF LIFE.  It is all about producing the most total value in and from your life, defined by that which you most value!   It's not about money, though it is a way of holding value in the material sense.  It's about happiness and satisfaction in life!

A homemaker, of course, will have some key values that are different from a musician, but both have more "intangible" values than someone who is more oriented toward, say, money. 

But they, too, must decide what they value the most and then rank order them in order of what is most valuable and decide what to do that gets them more of what they value the most. 

They, too, must maintain their high functioning balance, so that they can have the energy and equanimity to do what they most value, to think clearly and be alert, to feel their best and develop the skills that will cause them to be able to get what they most value. 

You will find that if you study and implement "life productivity" strategies you will in fact be living a life where you thrive.  You need not accept less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, the musician needs to be creative.   But he is unlikely to be creative if he is wiped out from drinking too much or partying too much or the other things that tend to come with an unstructured "creative" life...  Or if he doesn't sleep enough or eat right or take care of himself.  He needs to do the essence of life productivity in that he needs to manage his life energy much, much, much better.  He can't afford to be lax about this and to live the foolish myth about a musician's life being about doing whatever they feel like doing and being "free spiritis".   If they don't do effective life productivity management, they won't even be close to the freedom they can attain from being much, much more effrective. 


A homemaker, especially a parent, may think that he/she is subject to the 24+ hours a day of drudgery work and the fixed requirements of getting the standard stuff of homemaking done.  But that is not at all true.  Perhaps, if also a parent, they have the most valuable job on the planet - to raise another person to live a great life for themselves - and, to do that, they have the job of learning how to be a multi-faceted people-insight, life maker, people maker person.  Plus they have a certain amount of low importance, must-do work, which has the potential of just plain wearing themselves out trying to do it all.

Homemakers have one of the toughest jobs in terms of defining boundaries, freeing up time slots, and allocating time to take care of themselves.  But if they follow the methods that everybody else has to use to be truly life productive, they, too, can live a fulfilling, satisfying, effective life full of big chunks of what is most valuable in life.  And they need to free up the time to learn, as they MUST be wise in life if they are to support others in living their best lives. 

And, in order to free up time, they need to learn the standard "homemaker" skills (or a way to delegate the duties) to a reasonable level, which will save even more time. 

Even more than other "occupations", they need to be in high functioning balance so that they can respond, rather than react, to other people, particularly children and spouses - this is not optional, as there is no other alternative. 

They must be master learners because of the broad range of skills and knowledge needed and super, super managers of energy and, for themselves, of life productivity - and to free up time to learn the homemaker must use the productivity methods..


Study the life productivity strategies, especially in the relatively quick ebook "The Quickest Route To High "Life Productivity" From Wherever You Are Now" - and then see if you, homemaker, musician, or whatever can afford to do anything less than become really really good at life productivity, spare time, self care and self fulfillment - and at producing happiness for him/herself!  

"Life Productivity" - Producing The Maximum Life In Your Life

See "The Quickest Route To High "Life Productivity" From Wherever You Are Now", soon to be on Amazon.com.  (Check to see if it already on there.  Email me if interested.  You can link to it from Books, Booklets, Special Summaries.

I see many books for homemakers, but they all tend to be about tips and techniques, mostly to organize better.  But they miss the key point about being much more productive in life, about what is most valuable in life (such as happiness, creating very capable children, personal fulfillment, etc.).

They must rise above the "little picture", down among the details and mundane tasks, up to the "big picture" of producing more of what is most important and also feeling good while doing it!!!!!

See For The Homemaker, How To Be Far More Productive And To Have Far More Time For You, Your Family, And Peace.
I wish I would have known all of this when I was a student - I was so inefficient that it took so incredibly much more effort than was actually needed if I'd have done it the "effective way.".

Effectived Learning - To Create The Life You Love

The Effective Student - Yes, I must be effective in producing my "product", which will, in turn, produce my "life product".

For The Homemaker - How To Be Far More Productive, Feel Great, And To Have More Time For Yourself, Your Family, And Your Peace