tba, working on, if interested let me know and I'll give it more priority. Meanwhile, there are a few links that could be worthwhile... and see Keith's Personal Pages main page.
This is similar and somewhat duplicative to Keith's personal page, but I've included some things which might provide some insights related to how an actual person approaches life. It might be more useful to some people, as a "framework" for how a life is lived, offering perhaps a basis from which to adapt to what will work better for you in your life. So, for better or for worse, this is Keith Garrick (with the caveat that I believe in this: Who I Really Am). Not exactly the ideal life, but one I much appreciate having, plus the huge acceleration for the last decade, in learning about life more and in writing this site. And it would have been great to learn alot of this much earlier - and that is my wish for you, that you can learn this much earlier and live a much greater life than you might have otherwise.
Until this section is completed, you can use the search engine to see what I recommend.
Significant Life Changing Events - Business going under, changing from high powered consulting, father going broke, a growth workshop,
My Achievements
My Bucket List
My mistakes - Not using Carpenter's Rule on the majors of life
Wastes of time, sinkholes
Key insights that helped me do better
Romances and retrospect...
Books, Workshops Of Value For Me
My Plans (and my Life Plan)
The sites I use for me
The systems I use to run my life better
The computers...
6'5", 203 lbs.
Only take thyroid supplements
Exercise daily, 30 min +, 5+ days a week
Nice little house, on a golf course in a retirement
Daily schedule
My Daily Grounding
Personal philosophy
Gratitude - India
People who inspire me
Physical health, practices