Will be added to...scan for now. Then you would pick the structures you want to put in place as a priority, especailly in the life value productivity area that will free up massive amounts of time!!!!
If you don't implement the structure to "make it happen", a great life and great happiness just won't happen. Miracles, luck, hope, wishful thinking - none will have you living a great life or even being happy. In fact, if you believe in those, you will only be temporarily happy about the optimistic thought, but highly ineffective in life - you need to know what reality is or you'll clash with it. And you'll not like those results!
This page is about the necessary structure (and a few helpful structures) to accomplish great "Life Capability", so that you can, in fact, create the greatest life.
Put it in the schedule and then protect it!
First, the decision:
foundation upon which your life will be assured to be built happily. (Making a
pledge is part of a system that is necessary to achieving the purpose of the system.
The commitment effect is greatly underestimated, so people do not as likely
Then, the method, the way:
and everything of value that you want in your life. This will increase the value
you will get out of life!
NOT optional. It is essential, mandatory, necessary...
You can achieve the greatest life without the structures below, but with the following elements you will shorten the time greatly.
If you are following The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life, you would go back to the path after implementing the above linked items. For now, you should scan what is below, just to be aware of the type of things you will be doing that will benefit your way of operating in life.
Set up a support structure
Mentor, coach, asking wise people, "master mind group".
See the links on this page to Master Mind Groups and to other types of support.
See the link related to the checklist for setting up such a group also!
Courses from the best experts.
Anything organized, locked in, and repeatable
The brain organizes data, relates it to something, and then finds it as needed and coughs up what to feel and do. The problem is not that it isn't organized, but it is that the primitive brain often gets it wrong! Not good to repeat!!!!
A well-thought and organized "procedure" (= way to proceed) is a godsend for the effective operation of our lives with the minimum effort. It is fantastic, incredibly powerful to employ the Law Of Structure. In a procedure, we have all the steps in the right order that will lead to the right result.
These "procedures" are:
Habits (a way of doing things learned by repetition and automatically, effortlessly repeated in the same way to reliably get the same result)
Routines (& rituals) - A known, repeatable order of doing things. (See sidebar.)
Schedules - See above sections
Systems - Often associated with machinery, but they are basically interacting pieces that affect each other in a predictable way - and they are often adjustable to change the end result to more of what we want.
Standards, rules: Govern how we do things, pre-thought out, guiding us in our "proceeding" better along the path
Habits and decided ways of doing things make life easier, as they train the elephant (the primitive mind) to do its thing without you having to use up your brainpower to decide what to do and how to get the elephant to do it. Yes, it takes some training of the elephant, but then the elephant does it over and over and over, for multiple payoffs!
Without all of these decided and implemented procedures, life will not be nearly as great as it could be! Fix the procedures, the systems, etc., to operate well and it will rocket you to the moon, without a flaw...