1 2 3 4 = SUCCESS

"If you are not yet totally 'life successful', then you've quite simply skipped at least one of steps to guarantee your success."

                                                                   The BuddhaKahuna


While we can have a few 'seeming' miracles and gifts happen in life in certain areas, it is impossible for us to be successful in life if we do not do the "steps" that carry us to that initial point of basic success in life and then onward and upward.

The "reality of the universe" is that we live in a physical world, where it all is based on physical principles/laws.  It is all based on what is mechanical.  It is all based on there having to be a cause for every effect.  This cause and effect principle is operating in our mechanical bodies and our minds.  (The uniqueness of human beings is that they can also create meaning and value beyond the ordinary, meaningless mechanics and then have the conscious experience of living that meaning and value - so I am not insulting or putting down mankind by identifying "that it is all mechanical.")  (Read What Is Reality? and the link sequence in the sidebar.)

Everything occurs in a causal sequence, one thing before another.  These sequences are called systems or procedures (which are just "ways of proceeding") or paths.  We also call them "processes", as in "the process needed to get results in x area is this...".


The path to success in anything is:  (each one of these "big steps" have little steps within them)

1. Decide what success is (i.e. the desired result), so you can aim for it.
2. Learn
       How it works (it = whatever affects and effects the result)
       How to work it
3. Decide what to do (i.e. plan a sequence that is sufficient to get the result)
4. Do the action

   Get the result.  (Note the feedback: If you don't get the right resuly, you simply
                           go back to step 2.)

(The feedback/adjust part of the process is essential for Living Life As A Life Champion.)

Note that "success" has become a tainted term.  But success is simply attaining a desired result, no matter area it is in (e.g. financial, health, emotional, relationships, etc.).  Remember, every area has a process to get a result.

We are not likely to do well in life if we do not do step 1, surely.  And, of course, if we choose to not learn enough to be competent to make a valid decision and/or to be able to do an effective action, we will not get what we want in life!


The "catch" is that in the physical universe to accomplish something requires time (and effort).   If we want to learn something sufficiently well enough to get a desired result, we must spend sufficient time to learn how to produce the desired result (duh!). If we do not invest that time, we will not have "sufficient knowing" to be able to do what is necessary to achieve the result.

If we leave out of a step (or part of a step), there will virtually always be a problem - and we will not "get away with it".   (Leaving out a step is the equivalent of leaving a "gap" in the process - a hole - which must be filled - or a desired result cannot be achieved.  (See The Gap Principle - A Gap Is Just A Gap.)


If we leave out learning, this is what it looks like:

1     3  4 = Not success (and a likely continuation of the path one is on and a sameness
                                   of results in life)

If one is to learn "enough" to be able to do what is needed, one, of course, needs to pay attention to the causal chain (cause for every effect) that leads to sufficient learning:

Decide what to learn
Plan a good path of learning
Spend the time to learn until arrive at "sufficiency"

To do this, one must do this:  Directed, Effective Learning - To Create The Life You Love.  Without doing it this way, you will live a life far below the happiness level that you could attain!(!!!!!)

And if we get an undesired result, we must go back and find the gap.  (See The Learning Gap - And Trying To Wish It Away Or Not Even Seeing It - some people refuse to "see" it and then they fail to take the feedback and learn from it in order to fix the problems in life - therefore they end up with lots of problems, when they should be able to have no long term problems at all!)


People seldom do enough on any of these steps, so they end up with the same less than optimum results in life.  It is impossible to arrive at sufficient knowing without spending sufficient time.  And if one does not free up sufficient time for the learning, of course, the person will not attain the necessary knowing.

Most people seem to expect success with something like this, with a portion of each of the steps (identified by the whole numbers below):

1/4 of 1 (determine what success is, what is wanted)
1/8 of 2 (learning enough to be effective)
1/10 of 3 (doing what is necessary to make a good decision!)
1/3 of 4 (acting competently and effectively)

That does not equal success!  It is impossible to get the higher levels of success in that way.  It equals a life far, far below what one can have.  And, although people seem to ignore this or deny it, it tends to lead to a not so great life, to a life of mediocrity and being "at the effect" of circumstances and other people and being reactive with negative emotions that get in the way of real happiness.

Of course, somehow, a miracle could happen...(wanna bet?

Basically, to get the results we desire we need to engage in Completion (The Process Creating Great Power) - i.e. do each of the steps completely and adequately.  (Note that power = applied energy that leads to successfully getting a result; it is not the same as "force".)


A person who is caught up in angst, often run by guilt, stuck in people pleasing, having to be liked who is also a "very good person" who is very likable and skilled in having others like him/her will continue on the path of having angst, being run by guilt, and being stuck in people pleasing or some other form of codependency - unless the person learns sufficiently what it takes to understand how these things work and how to work them.  He/she cannot do this in a partial way, such as expecting affirmations to do the trick. (But one can at least do what is necessary to be Using Affirmations Effectively...) 

Note that the super-principle of momentum will have a person going along a very predictable path, unless intervened in by a sufficient force to change the path.  And the very predictable path is likely to not be a good one - and one to proactively do all one can to not continue.

But, as is true of all of the examples where there is no major change, the person will stop short of achieving the freedom from these because of the person's perception  that he/she has alleviated the major problem and pain for the moment, at least a bit, because of having made a little bit of progress - "well, my life isn't so bad, it's not unhappy", he/she says, as a rationale for not continuing on the path to success in all of life. 

The person stops at "a little bit of progress" and, of course, never does enough to create the great life the person could have.  And he/she gets to keep the angst, the guilt, the codependency, the lack of personal power and to experience the not so good feelings that are related to that.  Here's what people will often do:  What You Say You Want, And What You Will Do To Avoid It.


There is a probable path for you if you choose to stop short, but if you choose otherwiseyou will insert the intervening force (knowledge, rethinking) such that you will have sufficient knowing to run your life and your emotions at a truly wonderful level!!!!! 

But will you make the choice?  Will you fully adopt the Growth Mindset and make The One Decision That Determines All Of Life?

If one would like to get really good at reasons why not to grow, read The Reasons Why Not To Learn Life On Purpose - Excuses Or Legitimate?.   Then link to and look at all the "reasons why' and the worth of following the necessary process(es).

(After you read those and finish following the paths necessary to fully understanding the pieces, you would then go to the links on the side bar on the upper left section - and do "the pledge"!!!  After that, you'd return to the program or sequential reading list that you were on before you linked into this series of pieces.)

Will You Make The Necessary Commitment Necessary To Have A Great Life?

Sufficient Momentum For Improving Life - Reaping Huge Benefits As We Go And Even More As We Hit Our Goals 

The Life Value Productivity Decision And Pledge - An Essential Step To Living One's Greatest Life  

What we are going for is:  Life Capability - The Single Most Valuable Capability Of All - First above all other capabilities to gain.

Stopping short

What You Say You Want, And What You Will Do To Avoid It
How to succeed in life

Success In Life - How To Achieve It And "Be" It - This one elaborates a bit more on the steps, such as deciding what is of value to you.  What not to do, such as shortcuts not working. And finally the process and steps with explanatory links. 
I can see, with a basic interview and perhaps a few other discussions, what the inevitable path will be for a person if there is no sufficient intervening force.  I can predict how their life will be.  The Very Predictable Path - And The Predictable Results In Life...Unless...