Your choice: __ A little better off
__ A lot better off
__ High mastery
You can read this two ways:
1. Read the individual pieces straight through for overall understanding and then go back to the pieces to link into other one's for deeper learning, as you determine.
2. Or as you read each piece, use the links in each piece to get deeper understanding
There is a logical "building" sequence, but these can also be done "not in order". However, you should return to this sequence page so as not to leave a learning gap in the sequence, as that will be a drag all of one's life.
This course will give you the necessary pieces for putting all of life overall together and then we will go into special programs for finishing off certain areas, such as the vital self view, beliefs, and fears that determine one's quality of life. Study it as you would study to get the best grade in the most important class in your life!
In order to assure more of a sense of progress, you will be doing some implementation steps as you are learning. Be assured that the time spent on this will not take away from your time for life at all, though that may be hard to believe until you see it actually happen in your life. (See Time For Life Improvement.)
Notice, again, that each piece below has a "substructure" of articles that support it, so you would read those to finish off the full understanding until you "buy into it" fully for your life.
This will take quite a bit of time and effort - but the worth is priceless!
A QUICK PRIMER IN KEY LIFE FACTORS (We'll return later, but these should be known now.)
time has the highest impact on your life.
Establish The Whys - Deeply emotionally be clear about this!
Identifying the why and the key goals of what you want to get out of life - Be clear
HOW "THE MACHINE" (AND LIFE WORKS - and how to work it (Can't get far without this!!!!!)
Understand the basics, then apply them more and more specifically, below.
What Is Reality? - Know well, so that you can correct false beliefs (later) and increase effectiveness.
Read the basic overall grounding pieces in Reality.
This is, in a sense, the foundation for it all - to be achieved and added to as we go along. Considering
setting up the notebook suggested, so that you can build it more as we go.
Doing "The Build" - Guaranteed, not dependent on circumstances or miracles...the difference between
where we start in capabilities and where we will be at our highest capability and happiness.
PART II. IMPLEMENTING THE BIG PIECES - Includes many immediate benefits.
Misinterpret "needs", misinterpret signals (as commands, see below, and "indicators")
"Enough" - Setting yourself up so you never can reach it...
Unrealistic about ourselves, relatively. Unless you correct this, you can never be happy.
DELETE THE NEGATIVE - A huge impact (see separate "fears", below)
No self criticism
ADD THE POSITIVE - Adding the pieces that make life great!
SOLVE THE PROBLEMS! (getting rid of the ongoing problems and creating what you want in life)
problem solving, barrier removing facilitators!
Emotion Mastery - Beliefs cause emotions, emotions are "mechanical"... Scan for now. Return later.
Eliminating all the faux fears - Eliminating 99% of all fears and anxieties/stress
Curing the cause in the first place - Going all the way to the source and forever dumping the symptoms!
The master beliefs/mantra/power-statements list
BEHAVIORS - Managing them
Using habits effectively, changing habits, using them as tools
Supporting systems - Tweaking these for the least effort and greatest effectiveness
Having a "life reference system" for
Immediate resolution (emotions, problems, moods, energy)
Reminding and elevating self and/or life - the Reminders Notebook
The other "life notebooks"
You will be substantially better off if you've read and done the above. You will have changed alot about how you operate in life and many of your non-true beliefs will have disappeared and/or altered significantly to your benefit. Then you can choose to continue or not, at your discretion.
These are the areas for building the next level from. You've probably, at this point, forayed into some of these in your readings above, by using selected links in those pieces in order to go to deeper/broader understanding.
The following areas are mastered at a "sufficient" level first and then, from there, a person can continue on upward in learning more and more to develop more and more wisdom to be able to get more and more out of life and to reach the highest level off happiness and satisfaction with life. But first we must get to the "sufficient" levels - then you can choose how much further to go, based on your greater understanding and wisdom after this process.
These are listed in this order for a reason. We must first free up our time to be able to do "the work", then assure the physical energy and feeling good. Then we will be in our best operating mode to finish off the key beliefs that cause us negative feelings. At that point, we will maximize all of this by going one level up from basic life value productivity into maximizing that which maximizes our happiness and satisfaction in life.
This "next level" is actually in the process of being refined (easier to follow and more readable), so let me know if you've finished the reading from above, so that I can attack and finish up any missings/refinements in the segments below. The first section below is already sufficiently refined for great strides forward, but will be refined in its writing and presentation - it links into several 100 pages of further depth when you are ready.
LEARNING LIFE VALUE PRODUCTIVITY AS A KEY BASE FOR LIFE SUCCESS - Going to the next level, into a great life. For now, read my Life Value Productivity book, linked from Books. Frees up massive amounts of time and reallocates it to what is massively more valuable in life.
INSTALLING WHAT IT TAKES FOR GREAT PHYSICAL HEALTH, ENERGY, AND FEELING GOOD - This includes physical rejuvenation and doing physical things that "mechanically" change how one feels, one's moods, one's happiness, and one's ability to think (remarkably so, much more than you'd think). It concentrates on the 20% that produces 90+% of the benefits, while being the most time efficient. For now, see The Super-Simple Basics Of Your Body and then proceed upon the reading list of the written pieces.
MAXIMIZING HAPPINESS IN LIFE - Even at this point, a number of your beliefs will be further upgraded. Certain habits and behaviors are identified and very "installable", as they must all be very doable, with no artificial, mysterious leaps. And, of course, we'll nail down what actually has the greatest effect on happiness. For now, though you will have read by now some core pieces that must be learned, go to The Life Book: Implementing High Happiness (Plus Life Effectiveness).